Growing up in Scotland in the 1970s in Scotland the anointed were few and far between, but we had one old dude in our cong who claimed to be one of the anointed. In the days when it was taken seriously.
I'd be curious how you viewed them. Thing is, he wasn't an elder, or even a Ministerial Servant, just a plain old publisher.
But he was revered like he had a hotline to Jesus.
The other week I was talking to a friend of similar age to me but who hung around the WT a lot longer than I did, and he just commented "oh him... he was a doddery old fool who used to just sit and piss himself. No more likely to be going to heaven than you or I"
So...looking back, how did your cong view them? Ultra spiritual due to being members of the FDS or just the same as the rest?