Did You Know Any "Genuine"" Old School Anointed?

by Number 6 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I knew a few back in the seventies and into the eighties, one of them I knew quite well.

    You have to remember that all the JWs back until '35 were anointed. It was just the average JW, men, women, some pretty smart, some loony. It had nothing to do with maturity or anything else but their age and when they came in.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    NUMBER 6 we had 8 of them in our congregation back in the mid 70's. Three of them knew Russell personally. Out of the three one brother worked with Rutherford on the sound cars. Most of them did not like Rutherford but loved Russell. The other five came in the early 30's just before the big announcement of the great crowd. One of them actually died in my arms at the kingdom hall. We were standing at the back of the hall talking to her when she had a massive stroke. I grab her as she fell to the floor. I use to joke I could feel her spirit going through me as she went to heaven.

    These old timers I knew for the most part were very nice with lots of history and interesting stories. Nothing like the newbies anointed today. Still Totally ADD

  • BluesBrother

    From the o/p....

    ". he was a doddery old fool who used to just sit and piss himself. No more likely to be going to heaven than you or I"

    Don't mock the elderly and afflicted, no doubt he was a strong young man once. Old people are not born that way, it comes to us all - even you one day !

    Now the " real anointed". Like others I knew several in the past. Growing up , our old Cong. Servant for example . A serious man who knew his Bible inside out . He had a habit of lapsing into old fashioned phrases for things and referred to Jesus as " The Lord" , also liked talking about The Judge (Rutherford )

    He was a decent , sincere man. I wonder what he would make of the WTS today.....

  • pale.emperor

    Joe Gibson from the old days in Liverpool. He was already dead by the time I was born in 1984 but in the late 80s and early 90s he was still talked about. Only ever saw one photo of him sitting in Manchester City football ground where we used to have conventions back then. He lived to about 95yo.

    The fact that he was still talked about shows how few and far between "the annointed" were back then.

    Nowadays they're ten a penny I hear.

  • Betheliesalot

    If Joe Hoover had been correct in 1914, none of us typing here today should still be on earth, but gone on a cosmic train to nowhere. That was the biggest lie ever and I still can't believe they got away with it with just another lie about overlapping. Being anointed was brought up to cover the #144,000 going to heaven and limit that #.

  • sir82

    a decent, sincere man

    A good description of the one "real" anointed guy I remember from when I was young, 40+ years ago.

    A while back we had a couple of "new anointed" guys come through for a few months - in their 30's or 40's or so - they were helping rebuild or remodel a house for the elderly father of one of them and so attached themselves to our congregation while they were here.

    The first thoughts that came to mind, rather than "decent, sincere", were "something's a tad bit off about these guys." Nothing overt like mumbling at their shoes or wearing 19th century clothes, but just an air of.....weirdness. It's hard to describe. I just felt uneasy around them, and I wasn't the only one.

  • nowwhat?

    There was an old lady back in eightees. She had died a couple times at the hospital. And had to be revived. Me being the thinking sort. I asked if she died why didn't she change "in a twinkling of an eye"? Got the deer in headlights look. 😆

  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom

    To all those who knew of or actually know any "anointed"...

    ...were any of them Asian/Oriental or Hispanic/Latino? Someone from the African continent?

    The only ones who I knew were older white Americans and one middle aged black American. All these from the 70's thru the 90's.

    I was always perplexed because I always thought Jehovah would select those from "all nations", or at least those who could speak another language besides English.

    Alligator Wisdom

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    I knew some. Way different than any now, sincere in their belief AND humility.

    Late comers were pompous asses, got together with other "annointed" to talk about their hope and insight in unauthorized meetings. Some actively recruited others for heaven. Every one questioned their sanity. One stated that if they partook unworthily they would just fall back to earthly class; so i guess we all should have a drink and cracker. LOL

  • eyeuse2badub

    Having been raised as a jw since age 4 and now 73 you come across many so-called "anointed". They majority of them had very strange, quirky personalities. Several I knew were left overs from Rutherford's reign and were "bull dog" type witnesses that really believed they were brothers to christ! Of course back in the 20's and 30's if you were a jw, you were basically a 'born-in' anointed. lol

    just saying!

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