Hey Simon how about a "I have no life" button that people can punch as often as they feel the need to?
The 'Like' button option is a joke
by fukitol 21 Replies latest forum tech-support
compound complex
Someone just now liked me!!!
Hey Simon how about a "I have no life" button that people can punch as often as they feel the need to?.....Jeff T
The system only let me dislike your post 3 times.
Village Idiot
I just 'liked' the same post 6 times in a row.
When you refresh the page the count goes back down again. I gave you 2 dislikes but it's come back down to counting only one.
When I last went on field service, Jehovah gave me 3 likes. No one else knew. Then I stopped going and Jehovah now gives me 1 dislike for every consecutive day not going on field service. Suddenly every one knows. Simon please sort this out. Thanks.
I just flagged simon's comment, nothing happened, I would be happy for as many dislikes you wanna give me
This might be getting too big now, but what about the red zero's? It's a mystery to me!
someone gave me a like i want dislikes