slimboyfat: There is a difference between saying that cutbacks began in the 1990s and saying that more was produced in 1990 than was produced at any later date. You've switched one for the other and refuted the made up claim. Also remembering there were around 4 million JWs in 1990 compared with more than double that, over 8 million now.
Yeah, but I choose those years carefully...
1990 because this was the last year that they charged for the magazines in the US
1990 = Annual 621,120,000 magazines printed (32 pages)
3.8 million JWs = 163 magazines each per year
2005 because this was the last year of the full 32 pages x 12 issues x 2 magazines printing
2005 = Annual 1,182,744,000 magazines printed (32 pages)
6.4 million JWs = 184 magazines each per year
The WT were actually printing more magazines per publisher, but without the 'fixed' income, just 'donations'
What was the GB then expecting to do in the future?... Check out the 2005 Yearbook, pages 22 to 25.
During 2003/4 the GB bought and installed not one, but SEVEN new MAN Roland Lithoman printing presses - each press is 133 feet [40 metres] long.
Why did they do that? Those seven presses alone could print ALL the magazines needed during 2005 working on just a single shift, Monday to Friday, 45 weeks-a-year (with 7 weeks down-time).
But then 2006 came.... and the Awake printing was halfed (one 32 page mag-a-month) and the Watchtower was reduced to one public edition-a-month, and a 'low' printed number for the monthy study edition.
I believe the current problems stem from the GB over-stretching themselves between 1990 to 2005, while relying on donations.