The current financial crisis of Watchtower in historical context (part 1)

by slimboyfat 165 Replies latest members private

  • Fisherman
    They found out in 1990 that JWs don't send much money if they are not obligated to do so when the cover price for the literature was dropped.

    Even before that, when food at conventions became on donation, wt changed to "simplification" because -no money. Now, cheaplikeones had to bring their own food from home, or go to an expensive fast food instead of just giving a reasonable donation for the food.

    They are repeating the same mistake when they think JWs will send higher donations for KHs with no contractual obligation to do so and with nothing tangible in return.

    Not a mistake, WT doesn't think in terms of cause and effect; they trust in God. (It appears that) JW as individuals have not realized their financial obligation to support wt and pay their personal share of expenses for the KH, the cost of producing spiritual food and financially supporting the preaching. Sadly, in total dollars and cents, at the end of the month, jw are not impelled to do so. But gradually or otherwise, JW will feel the inconvenience or expensive burdens resulting from cutbacks; and or hopefully (even as you have stated) and as Sparky has keenly shown ( Nice!) is the new source of income for WT funding, everyone will feel that they want to contribute more dollars.

  • sparky1

    Cheaplikeones.............I saw what you did there, Fisherman.

  • Fisherman

    But gradually or otherwise, JW will feel inconveniences or expensive burdens resulting from cutbacks; and or hopefully (even as you have stated) everyone will feel that they want to contribute more dollars. And, as Sparky has keenly shown (Nice!) the new source of income for WT funding, KH has a non ending contractual obligation for payments to WT.

  • Fisherman

    Sparky, I wanted to say sheep.

  • Diogenesister
    yes I do think the GB are in charge. From the decision to move to Warwick, reduce literature, raid congregations, close book study, cart witnessing, emphasis on digital, yes there's lots of evidence they are personally responsible for these miscalculations.

    Just to add to what Sir82 posted, I think the decision to stop the book study was without doubt made at the insistence of the legal dept.

    The only bright idea these bozos may have come up with is cart witnessing. Even then I bet researchers had the actual light bulb moment, the GovBod probably initiating the search for ideas to improve the numbers brought in by the ministry.

    No. If the major decision making within the Org was left solely to the GovBod it would have gone bust, through a combo of litigation and poor financial decision-making, years ago.

  • Diogenesister
    Sparky, I wanted to say sheep.

    Ha ha I would never have admitted I hadn't made such a great joke!!

    Fishy you're too honest!

  • Diogenesister
    Corporate Manager Lett may be using financial obfuscation to 'claim' that there is more money going out than is coming in over and against their financial projections. Any good corporation worth it's 'salt' projects yearly for expenses (running the Watchtower Society), growth and expansion( new hall, etc.) and profit or a financial cushion. They may indeed be making their operational expenses, funding their expansion expenses but not getting any 'gravy' on the income.

    I don't doubt for one minute that what sparky said is the case.

    We can't prove it of course but why wouldn't Watchtower be run any differently than any other international concern?

  • LisaRose

    As I said on the other thread, I do not think they are going to run out of money in the near future, but that doesn't mean that they don't have reason to be concerned, I think they are concerned. When they say they have more money going out than coming in they are probably telling a partial truth, they do if you don't count the money they got from real estate sales and the Kingdom Hall cash grab. But those are one time events and even if they can get by comfortably on the interest, that only works if nothing changes as far as membership and they don't have unexpected expenses. I don't think they can count on that and they know it.

    It's challenging because they always bragged about not begging for money and passing the plate, so they are trying to change that culture, but that's hard to do. Then you have slowing growth rates and the fact that much of the growth is in poorer countries, it's going to make it hard to turn things around.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    cheaplike ones. lol

  • Laika
    Plus even if the WT convinces JWs that they should contribute more money, because of their low levels of education and career aspiration, they simply don't have as much money to contribute as members of other religions.

    I accept this, but I'd add that the JW religion runs at a cheaper level than most other religions as they don't have paid clergy/employees at the Congregation level. JW members could easily afford to keep the religion going and wouldn't even need to tithe to do so, giving 3 - 4% of their earnings would easily be enough. The Organisation just has to convince the members to do it (much easier said than done)

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