King David's Three Choices

by Jehalapeno 50 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JoenB75


    Original sin does not depend on a literal Adam and Eve. We know it is true from evidence.

    God is sovereign and owns us all and answers to no one. As Hebrews says, it is.terrible to fall into His hands. We would worship him out of fear if not for his Sweet love sacrifice in Jesus Christ. Jesus is that fundamental

  • Jehalapeno
    God is sovereign and owns us all and answers to no one.

    Apostate etymological origins:

    Yeah, I'm a runaway slave.

    The God of the Bible is an objectively sadistic character that only gives man the choice of "Do as I say or die." That's what terrorists's what sadists's an unacceptable personality trait that doesn't foster genuine loyalty.

    It takes away the free will of a man if his only choices are comply or die.

  • dubstepped

    JoenB75 - What evidence? If you're going to say by the qualities perceived in men that are less than desirable, I'll point you to the animals, who never sinned, and yet have similar qualities in their ranks. You also have to deny the story of the Bible or pick and choose what you want to be literal and what you want to be nonsense to keep your beliefs intact. Whatever fits you, you will do, because you want it to be that way.

    So you love someone that had to kill his own son in order to forgive humans? That's messed up. He could have just forgiven. I can forgive. You can forgive.

    Look, I get it. No matter what I say you'll smooth it over with "but god can do whatever he wants and I'll love him anyway" like the person living in an abusive situation, so you do you, but let's not pretend it's healthy. Deflect, defend, come up with ridiculous reasonings, just say "sweet Jesus" and click your heels together if it makes you feel better, because ultimately you can always come up with a reason for something if you want to believe it badly enough.

    Praise Jehovah, for he is murderous and sent the nicest guy to be killed, all because he can't just forgive, but that's okay, because he has almighty power, and thus some would rather worship him to save their own ass than to take a stand against his wicked ways.

  • JoenB75
    Dubstepped,In line with many scholars I interpret Genesis 1-11 differently than you were taught in JW school. I consider the JW understanding quite childish, not least the stuff about literal sinning animals. I also believe of course that young earth creationism is completely nuts. I am also of the outragious novel opinion that nobody ever understood singing mountains and such as literal 🤭. However the Adam and Eve symbolism / parable reflects that we are under God's judgment and indeed are sinful beings as reality reflects. Also I'm not an Arian. I believe God send himself. How awesome is that, stepping up to it 😍
  • DesirousOfChange


    The reason the political discussions have the most participation is because the religious discussions have become whacked out crazy fucked up.

  • dubstepped

    @DOC - Yep, whacked out crazy fucked up is appropriate. Praise Yahweh! Lol.

  • JoenB75

    God became Son to provide that sacrifice for sins that God did not ask of old Abraham nor would his son's death accomplish anything. 'My justice requires I step up to the plate'. Hallelujah ☺️

  • JoenB75

    Jehala, well you run away from your human masters in wts. Paul confessed himself a slave of CHRIST 😍

  • dubstepped
    ThGod became Son to provide that sacrifice for sins that God did not ask of old Abraham nor would his son's death accomplish anything. 'My justice requires I step up to the plate'. Hallelujah ☺️

    So then, it's just theater. Nothing was really sacrificed. God decided he couldn't forgive without the shedding of blood so he could come be the hero. Dude is insecure as can be. First he creates people just to praise him, now he sets up a scenario by which he gets to save those people and be even more the hero. Wow.

    It's also not very good justice. If two human lives cost perfection and God's favor, and then only one life was sacrificed to balance it out, God isn't very good at math or restitution. He's also not very good at justice because he kind of had a ringer out there playing the game. If I was Satan I'd be pissed. God is a cheater and didn't play fair at all.

    Then again, your belief seems to come down to "might makes right", so I guess fairness goes out the window.

  • JoenB75

    Hehe blameless Jesus is both priest and sacrifice offering himself one time for all Hebrews 7:27.

    But yes Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God and our object of worship

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