dear Joe Grundy,
I'm terribly jealous. If this is a venal sin, I'm jealous enough to be in BIG trouble. I hope you have a wonderful trip and delightful companionship along the way.
My son wants a new game called Carcassone(sp?) and they are out of them all over Houston, so the place caught my eye. He is absolutely fascinated with France. In two years when he is 18, you should check with me because he is totally fascinated with France (it all started when he became interested in Joan of Arc-historically, not religiously, no worries) He would be a great travel companion. I'll take him myself if I can afford it. He has travelled to Italy (prefers Florence thought he feels like he should like Rome better since it has such an intense amount of history attached. But he loved Florence in his heart, and that trumped historical stuff)
Can you send us some pics to show him? I'd be ever so appreciative! Thank you.