Stan, Are you being obtuse?
by RULES & REGULATIONS 16 Replies latest watchtower bible
Stan, Are you being obtuse?
Divine protection.... even to the most believing dub it is patchy at best. E.g. We read of experiences in Soviet era where key overseers had their lives apparently spared “so the work could continue “ . Others went to the wall. In life today ,can a publisher expect an angel to stop the mouth of an aggressive dog? No.
The idea might give one courage to deal with a situation but practical help.. No it does not exist.
When a JW dies because of this or that their excuse then is a Bible verse " Time and unforseen occurences befall them all " Eccl.9:11,...Eccl.3:1-8
There is a scripture for every tune you want to play on the Bible.
The reason King david sent bathsheba`s husband to the front is because he knew he would be killed in battle .
So much for Jehovah`s Angels protecting anyone .David well knew that front line people in battle for jehovah would be killed.
2 Sam.Chapt. 11 No Angels protected Uriah .
No Angels protected them.And they were fighting for Jehovah`s interests.
Stan, Are you being obtuse?
on reflexion--i think i was trying to be a cute
I was always told to wait on Gee-hober. While I was waiting I learned that he was made up by a catholic monk. I also learned that his protection is selective and at times hit and miss at best. If this is the god of the universe? WTF. Then the Org, what a laugh! This just can't be for real.
There is a scripture for every tune you want to play on the Bible.
I agree Smiddy, unless you want to show that slavery is evil, then strangely the Bible is silent on NOT owning another only supports slavery and guilts or threatens slaves to remain with their masters.
no st. George of ANGLEland I think Stan is being acutely funny!