Words for the Day; please share

by compound complex 182 Replies latest jw friends

  • waton

    Question on another site: what language did God speak in genesis ( the book). many answers: old hebrew---

    my contribution: it was a monologue , he mumbled either in Makeish or Createse. " let there be light " and

    talking about the germanic connection: the german verb for dying is "sterben" the related english word is "starving" It is a fact that the cause of death is mostly starvation. of one kind of another. not a kind thing to happen to you.

  • smiddy

    My wife chided me once for pronouncing Gestapo as Jestapo in a talk I gave once .(does that count ?)

    How about chow (food )

    Ciao (hello/goodbye )

    both pronounced the same

    Ok that doesnt count,

    Their /there

    Hear /here

    Slaughter / laughter

    daughter /draught / draft

  • Xanthippe

    too - also, in addition (that's my cake too) to a greater extent than is desirable (too big, too loud)

    two - the number

    to - (went to the station)

    your - belonging to you

    you're - abbreviation of you are

  • zeb

    Parallax was said for Phalanx.

  • TheWonderofYou

    Adult comes from the Latin word adultus, which is the past participle of adolere (to make grow) see adolescent.
    Adultery can be traced back to the Latin verb adulterare (to mix, to adulterate). The root of the former verb is -ol, and the root of the latter one is -ulter.


  • snowbird

    Why do children pick up languages so easily?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, Everyone!


    Why do children pick up languages so easily?

    Their minds are uncluttered!

  • snowbird
    Their minds are uncluttered!

    Yes, sir.

    I'm thinking of the little girl whose military parents were stationed in Japan.

    When they moved back home, that little blister was fluent in Japanese.

    Her g'ma discouraged this, claiming the child was cursing her out!

    How would g'ma have known?


  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    It's = it is.

    Its = belonging to it.


    One brother had the first talk on the ministry school one Thur night and kept mispronouncing the word ardor, as arDOR. Read a scripture containing the word and then kept trying to explain and define the word, all the while saying arDOR. I thought, OH is he saying ARdor?

    I don't know why but it was so irritating.

  • snowbird


    Try listening to someone pronouncing flush for flesh.

    I wanted to slap her.


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