Whoever she is, it sounds like she really needs to CHILL.
Greta Thunberg...what’s your view of her?
by minimus 95 Replies latest jw friends
Anony Mous
She is a manipulative hate-filled person. Sure, her parents have a hand in it but so does her far-left teachers and the rest of left-wing society egging her on.
I have Aspergers too, if she has actually been diagnosed (and not just her parents claiming it) AND she shows this kind of emotion that means she KNOWS exactly what she's doing - she's manipulating people.
Aspies don't have that sort of emotional outbursts, we can fake it (yes, I've done it too), we're cold and logical when it comes to things, we'd rather explain with facts why certain things are true. Aspies are easily confused with psychopaths when it comes to external emotion and emulation but on the inside we're actually soft and don't have the violent tendencies.
She's being used as a tool. That's it that's all. It will be up to her if she wakes the f up to being a big nothing. I think shes to young for me to form an opinion about her specifically.
My impression? Sixteen going on forty.
I have a bad feeling about it.
Ultimate Axiom
I think that she, like all of the “loony left” are looking at this climate change issue the wrong way. Instead of trying to prevent global warming, we should be welcoming it. The planet doesn’t need extinction rebellion, it needs extinction acceleration. We need to get to as many tipping points as we can, and as soon as possible. Once the human race is extinct, Planet Earth will be so much better off, and who knows, in a couple of million years, maybe a truly intelligent species will evolve. One that doesn’t adhere to primitive and barbaric religions. One that doesn’t kill other animals for fun. One that isn’t driven by insatiable greed, where even billionaires are not satisfied. One that doesn’t allow 90% of the wealth to be accumulated in the hands of 1% of the population. One that doesn’t allow millions to starve while throwing away half the food it produces. One that doesn’t think it’s OK to pay a footballer more in a month than a nurse or a teacher in their entire lifetime. One that doesn’t just destroy its own habitat, but those of countless other species without a second thought. Yes, Planet Earth would be so much better off without the human parasite, so if you really care about our planet, buy bigger cars and make more and more unnecessary journeys in them, leave the engine running whenever you can, take more of those cheap flights for unnecessary weekend breaks, protest against every wind and solar farm in the pipeline, campaign for more coal-fired power stations, and above all, continue to elect morons and buffoons as heads of government.
Okay people...give the poor kid a break. She's got her moment in the sun. She comes across as kinda nutty, yes...she's lacking charisma and good looks...but she has a passion for a cause and it's not harming or damaging anything. In fact in a perverse way she is making the public aware of ecological concerns. The first time I saw her on the media my impression was that she was quite odd. Subsequently so much negative feedback...but she is a kid with a voice and she has the means to use it. Just appreciate she is using it for a good cause ultimately.
I don't think shes accomplishing anything lasting but there's the potential for damage to her young psyche.
Shame on her parents for selling her out.
she has a passion for a cause - but what's her cause? We haven't worked that out yet.
If I were being cynical, I'd note that she lectures capitalist countries but not communist/socialist ones like China and conclude that her agenda is to overthrow capitalism.
Show me where I'd be wrong; change my mind ...
My opinion of her? Colossally brave, as attested to by the mean-spirited and, frankly, ignorant comments on this thread.