When the Vietnam War was raging, young people demonstrated against it. They were maligned, made fun of, mischaracterized, and treated with disdain...much like Greta is being treated here by some posters. I for one am glad that young people have the stamina and guts to stand up for what they believe is right.
Greta Thunberg...what’s your view of her?
by minimus 95 Replies latest jw friends
She's a fraud. Her latest stunt is complaining about sitting on the floor of a train, even though the company upgraded her to first class and reserved seating is only a couple of Euros.
Everything she does is for the cameras. If she really cared about the environment she'd be doing different things.
When the Vietnam War was raging, young people demonstrated against it.
The demonstrations only started once the draft began to affect the middle class kids in university, they didn't object when it was the poor kids and existing army being sent to fight.
Kids should certainly be listened to, sometimes they may even be right (even if it's for the wrong reasons), but they shouldn't be put in charge.
Being vocal about the deterioration of the planet's environment isn't important ?
Even if the polluting effects by mankind in the last century hasn't caused global warming should we not watch and control what we are doing to the planet in regards to polluting the environment .
Environmental awareness and protection is important to us because we are part of the environment are we not ?
Being vocal about the deterioration of the planet's environment isn't important ?
Even if the polluting effects by mankind in the last century hasn't caused global warming should we not watch and control what we are doing to the planet in regards to polluting the environment .
Environmental awareness and protection is important to us because we are part of the environment are we not ?It's not what you say, it's how you say it.
I consider myself an environmentalist and conservationist. I try to teach my kids to live sustainably and lead by example.
The issue people have with Greta isn't that they hate the environment, it's that they don't like being told "How Dare You?" for not agreeing with the alarmism side of the debate.
I feel she's done more harm than good for those that think we need to do better as a society. It makes the rest of us look like a bunch of loony tunes cult members.
My take on Global Cooling (70's)/Global Warming (80's & 90's)/Climate Change(00's)/Climate Crisis (2019) is not one of denial. My take is one of wanting more research to be done before making rash judgements and doomsday prophecies. I also want the discussion to be open and not a top-down cult where dissent is shouted down and skeptics are ostracized as apostates.
"How Dare You?" for not agreeing with the alarmism side of the debate.
I agree she comes off as being a bit condescending, condemning and overly judgemental.
She has been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and selective mutism.
That may be relevant to how she presents herself in public but at least her heart is in the right place.
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now the autistic twit is backing down and taking a break. LOL. She has no idea what the F she is talking about.
If this was a "crisis" and "emergency", would you take a break?