The phrase "one of Jehovah's Witnesses"

by Ding 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Listener

    Are both of the following correct?

    'I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses'

    'I am one of Jehovah's witnesses'

    I am no expert in the English language but I would have thought the first statement was wrong because by using a capital W, it becomes a label and therefore should be

    'I am one of the Jehovah's Witnesses'

  • Finkelstein

    JWS claim to have a close personal relationship with Jehovah, more so than any other religious organization, even all the Jewish sects.

    From there they self identify themselves., with righteous integrity of course.

  • Rattigan350

    I never liked the expression "I'm a Jehovah's Witness". It just does not have the flow to it.

    "I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses" has always been a better way of saying Christianity is a group activity.

    Though I don't know why there is a difference between "I'm a Christian" and "I'm a Jehovah's Witness".

  • carla

    "Though I don't know why there is a difference between "I'm a Christian" and "I'm a Jehovah's Witness".- I don't anybody that considers jw's as 'Chrisitan'.

  • Finkelstein

    It really comes down to mental indoctrination.

  • redvip2000
    Yes of course just as you would say "I am one of Peter's friends"
    You wouldn't say "I am a Peter's friend", that sounds ridiculous. For once I don't think they're being devious, they're just being grammatical.

    Well sure, but that's not a great analogy. When JWs use that term that are not trying to say that they are a witness of Jehovah. In other words, if you are called to court to be a witness on behalf of Richard, and you arrive, you would say i'm one of Richard's witnesses.

    But Jehovah's Witness is a title or name for a member of a specific religion, so the right answer should be: "I'm a Jehovah's Witness".

    Likewise it's nonsense to say "I'm one of catholics", or "I'm one of accountants", or "I'm one of Yankees fans".

  • RubaDub

    I always found it odd myself to be "one of" something. Do Catholics say "I am one of the Catholics?" Don't they simply say "I am Catholic?" Same with Jews, I have never heard one say "I am one of the Jews." If someone, like the Mormons, knock on the door, it would sound stupid to say, depending on the size of the family, "we are three JW's, we are four JW's or whatever." You would simply say, "We're JW's" and leave it at that.

    I have had this discussion more than once with brothers. I even said it sounds odd to say you are one of something. Isn't it obvious that you are just one? Would anyone say I am two JW's or I am three JW's ??? Of course not! Saying you're one of something is just redundant.

    Rub a Dub

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    If 2 dubs knock on your they say " we are jehovahs witnesses" not " we are two of jehovahs witnesses".

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    If 2 dubs knock on your they say " we are jehovahs witnesses" not " we are two of jehovahs witnesses".

  • vienne

    It's a grammar issue. The name is a plural; focus on the word 'Witnesses.' Because it is a plural, then individuals in the group are 'one of' the group. Hence, the phrase is "one of Jehovah's Witnesses."

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