This is so horrible, chilling and possibly a game changer. We don't want the terrorists to win but people have to feel safe.
Sixty People Murdered in Nice Terror Attack
by cofty 33 Replies latest social current
I hate to come off as the RUSH LIMBAUGH spokesman (devil's advocate) here, but......
... tomorrow he will be spitting and spewing how France, with all their gun control laws, were unable to stop this rampage.....
...and all the conservative southern, CHRISTIAN bubbas in the U.S. will be nodding their heads in agreement, with spit running off their chins...
How would you respond? (Or does this question belong in it's own thread?)
I don't think a news item has ever caught me so off guard and made me so upset. After the string of upsetting news items that have pummeled the U.S lately, I didn't realize I was in such an emotional state. This news really upsets me.
I'm tired.
I think we are all getting tired of this kind of thing. It's terrible, an attack on everyone, innocent people just trying to have a good time, just senseless, pointless violence. I am almost afraid to turn on the news anymore.
Zoos you're not the only one. When I read that the attack was from driving a truck through a crowd, I was speechless.
I can't imagine what must go through a terrorists head. Their brains must really be clouded by their ideologies to not see the faces of the people they are about to kill...the children, the elderly, the pregnant women...they must be so blinded by their strange thoughts, that they can't see what they are doing, they have lost their humanity because of their training. They must be brainwashed.
How sad for France and for the world. This seems like the worst one yet for Europe. I curse the people who are enjoying this, for whatever reason. Whether they are also religious extremists or Zionists hoping for retaliation or whatever. I don't really believe in hell but if you idiots think you will be greeted by virgins, I hope it is actually pigs shitting on you.
Pete Zahut
I don't think a news item has ever caught me so off guard and made me so upset. After the string of upsetting news items that have pummeled the U.S lately, I didn't realize I was in such an emotional state. This news really upsets me.
I'm tired.
I think we are all getting tired of this kind of thing. It's terrible, an attack on everyone, innocent people just trying to have a good time, just senseless, pointless violence. I am almost afraid to turn on the news anymore.
In view of the "critical times hard to deal with" teachings we had drummed into our heads, I'm curious what other former JW's think the explanation as to why this is happening so much lately.
I know it is early, and I know I will be lambasted for saying so but... this case points out the frivolity of Gun Control.
That being said.... May God have mercy on the countless souls slaughtered here. I also pray for comfort and peace for everyone from this community, France and the whole world.
This is just getting out of hand. Every day we inch closer to a religious war, which is exactly what the militant Islamists want.
Words fail me.