We win by continuing to live our lives free from fear and enjoying the wonderful diverse richness that our vastly superior civilization has created.
We avoid falling into the same mistakes of the past that created this nightmare - rushing headlong into ill-conceived wars with no clear plan of what success would even look like and we vow to hold people who lie to achieve that to account.
We stop second guessing ourselves and being afraid to punch evil in it's twisted face when it tries to promote it in our streets. It's not racist or anything else to call hate speech what it is.
We don't allow a hiding place within our society for any who would do or support these acts. People need to chose a side and stand aside to isolate those who hide in their midsts and rely on them for cover. If a mosque or any other religion has allowed hatred to breed, it needs to be bulldozed.
We make religious leaders print and sign their beliefs and hold them to account if anyone does evil because they follow them or is tolerated if they claim not to.