OK, to start, I no longer believe the scriptures are inspired. May be some writers were influenced but that does not mean all what they wrote was correct. As such, it is my view that none of the so-called religious scriptures (Christian, Islam etc) are inspired by a higher power. Does this mean there is no creator? Should I therefore believe in evolution?
What if .... both is true? I mean, you have a creator and things have evolved over time? The earth is very old and plants/trees as well. So is animal life. And most likely human life.
Religious people in general believe that humans were created in one-go, completely, no failures. Well, why would a creator leave the earth useless for so long? Pure evolution (i.e. big bang) would mean that suddenly everything was there in order to develop into a human being without failure or shortcomings and would also be able to reproduce immediately....what are the odds?
BUT...what if a creator made various efforts to develop something that in the end became a human being? The creator had many years available to allow trial and error. And WHAT IF these efforts would have taken place on various parts of the earth? Why rely only on one human being knowing that many things can go wrong?
In other words, WHAT IF life is the result of creation but has evolved over million years in order to become a human being as we know it? In my view, it does explain a lot, for example why we do become older but are still not capable to beat certain bacteria or viruses.
Anyway...wanted to share... :-)