Do You Support The Death Penalty ?

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • waton

    with unlimited foreknowledge, )as some are reputed to have), I would support execution before the deed is even done.

    A murderer should die before he can even make another human join her in death.

  • hoser

    Is the collateral damage acceptable? 2-4 % of convictions are overturned as being erroneous. Is it socially acceptable and beneficial to sacrifice a small percentage of innocent persons to protect the majority of law abiding Americans?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I believe in capital punishment for certain crimes - the worst kind of serial killers, rapists and child rapists should really be executed.

    If you commit those kind of crimes, you forfeit your right to live.

    Of course, people who leave Islam or mock Muhammad should not be killed, or punished by the state in any way.

    I believe we in the UK should have capital punishment on the books even if we wouldn't use it - much in the same way US authorities often drop the death penalty in exchange for an admittance of guilt.

  • truth_b_known

    I used to support it 100%. Now, not so much. I have worked Murder cases where the only witnesses to the Murder were the suspect and the victim. We got a conviction. The State could not seek the death penalty in those cases as they were not Capital Murder cases (my state is very specific as to the circumstances that differentiate Murder vs Capital Murder). I would have a hard time with the execution of a person based on circumstantial evidence.

    So, here is a counter question: Do you believe in redemption and, if so, do you believe all genuine seekers of redemption should be given an opportunity to attempt it?

  • mikronboy

    No. Show me a country that has the death penalty and I'll show you a country that has a draconian penal system.

  • Justmemorph

    Hell no. The “state” (actions people take in the guise of impersonal governance) absolutely cannot be trusted to have power over live and death.

  • Overrated

    I support it if all evidence points to guilt 100% .

  • minimus

    Overrated I agree.

  • minimus

    Especially when some is a killer and they admit everything.

  • Justmemorph

    There are far too many times when police get confessions from innocent people. I mean totally, provably, innocent people. Its scary as hell how far they go to coerce confessions.

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