Do You Support The Death Penalty ?

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    That’s why I would want absolute proof that the person was a killer. If people think they can pretty much get away with murder, they won’t care unless they know that they too could be put to death. It’s balanced.

  • truth_b_known

    I always thought justice was about balancing the scales and making the victim whole again. I learned something from a Ted Talk from a speaker whose parents were murdered. Being raised Jewish, she was taught that she could not forgive the murderer as only the victim can forgive. Makes sense since the murdered person is the person who was actually wronged.

    Imagine someone breaks into your house and steals your tv. The police locate the perpetrator. The criminal is convicted at trial. The court orders that the police go to the defendants home and take his tv. Then the State keeps the defendant's tv. You don't have a tv. The defendant doesn't have a tv. Now you're even.

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Let's see death by lethal injection or imprisonment for life? uh... no contest. 90% of people would take death. And it saves tax dollars.

  • minimus

    Yes it saves money to end their lives well it’s supposed to be more cash efficient.

  • FedUpJW

    Every time an innocent person is proven beyond a doubt that they were wrongly executed, the government should pick a name of a death penalty supporter at random and execute that person.

    Now there is an idea I could get behind, on one condition.

    Make a detailed list of every single person who does NOT support the death penalty, and every time a killer kills again, inside or out of prison, pick a name of one of the bleeding hearts who does not support the death penalty and execute one of them alongside the convicted killer.

  • minimus

    Opponents say two wrongs don’t make a right. Killing is bad.-

  • Simon

    There needs to be equity in the law. If people can face the death penalty when convicted, then someone causing a wrongful conviction through presenting false evidence or suppressing exculpatory evidence should face the same fate.

    In general I support it for convictions with 100% conclusive evidence and zero doubt, where the crime is heinous and terrible and the person deserves to play no part in socity.

  • frozen2018

    Lot of pro-death penalty folk here. Great logic, also. "Serial killers should be executed because they are monsters." Ok, that's fine. Kill the serial killers. You know that serial killers are quite rare and executing them won't do much for crime statistics. Fun story about a serial killer. I read that Ted Bundy purposely went to Florida to continue his murder spree because Florida had a death penalty and he wanted to die. He viscously attacked 5 women and a child. Three of them died among them a twelve year old girl. Florida executed Ted. Good job, Florida.

    Executing prisoners is cheaper than housing prisoners? Really? In Texas the cost of executing a prisoner is over $2,000,000. That is about 3 times the cost of housing a prisoner in a maximum security facility for 40 years.

    I believe that we execute people for all the wrong reasons. The reasons revolve mostly around good old revenge. What would happen if we started executing people based on how much damage they have caused to society? Take DuPont, for example. DuPont manufactured the wonder product Teflon using PFOA. DuPont knew in 1961 that PFOA is highly toxic and exposure to PFOA can lead to a long list of problems. DuPont willfully covered up the danger of PFOA for years and dumped almost 2,000,000 pounds of it on an unsuspecting public. The result? Cancer, birth defects, poisoned water supplies, and so on. In my opinion, if anybody deserved a death penalty it really wasn't Ted Bundy and his ilk. It was the executives and scientists at DuPont who covered up the dangers of PFOA. Instead, DuPont paid out about $700,000,000 while denying any wrong doing. Fun fact, virtually every person living in America today has measurable amounts of PFOA floating around their bodies. Thanks, DuPont!

    I can think of a lot of white collar criminals who should face execution. Politicians who use their office to enrich themselves, fraudsters, doctors who perform unnecessary medical procedures for the insurance money, and so on. Execute a couple of these criminals and a whole lot of people would clean up their act. But if executing murderers and such - sometimes decades after the crime was committed - makes society feel better about itself, so be it.

  • hoser

    They need to have public firing squads. Make an example of these low life skids.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Frozen2018: Your point on the cost of execution is well taken. But the problem here isn't of execution, but of the ridiculous red tape and resulting high cost of everything government does. A far cry from back when it didn't cost too much more than the rope or few bullets and executioner.

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