Smiddy, your simple minded absurdo ad reductio proves only how uneducated you are regarding a topic you seem to want to pontificate on.
Everyone in america does not have a right to carry a firearm nor to use it as they see fit. That part of VA does not allow open carry of firearma in public places (save law enforcemnt of course). Many states, including DC and Maryland (the neighboring states) have incredibly strict laws regarding how a firearm can even be transported to a firing range (unloaded, locked in a case and seperate from any munitions). Simple Violations of transport laws land otherwise law abiding citizens in jail for years. I know a man in just such a situation.
As a resident of the aforementioned locality i cannot shoot someone for even ATTEMPTING to break into my home. They must COMPLETE the intrusion and even then i have to claim i feared for my life. For further clarification i cannot shoot someone for breaking into a car or shed or any other unoccupied property. These laws are not universal in all 50 states but they are very much so in all large liberal crime filled cities, like balitimore and dc where handguns are banned.
Your nonsensical hyperbole falls on very deaf ears to those who actually know the law and live in the areas you obviously know nothing about. I will tell you what i tell all euros who cry tears of angst at our firearms: stay where you are. We neither need nor want your visit to our country :)