Of course he was mentally ill. Him being an extreme left wing liberal democrat Bernie Sanders supporter. Maybe we should ban guns from liberal democrats.
US Republican congressman, others injured by shooter in Washington DC
by sir82 48 Replies latest jw friends
The you should get a gun and fight it ... especially as everyone is a nazi.
Or maybe stop just peddling the democratic nonsense which is just as divisive if not more so.Or maybe just report you to the authorities, about comments that incite people to violence and extremism, because of their political opinions or religious beliefs.
its people with your attitude that are killing ! ass
its people with your attitude that are killing
Except no, it isn't. It's the attitude that "anyone who isn't on the left is a nazi" that is exactly the attitude - I was pointing out how ridiculous that is ... if it were true then people should be out with guns fighting them. It's not, nazis are not patrolling the streets and the rhetoric of the left is insane hate speech.
working hard to get a police state, and imprison free press
Or maybe just report you to the authorities, about comments that incite people to violence and extremism
A perfect example of the nonsense that people spew endlessly which is dangerous because it is a totally false narrative. My point still stands - if you genuinely believe what you say is true, then why aren't you out fighting it? Because it's BS, pure and simple and you KNOW it to be but say it anyway which makes YOU culpable. My comment was highlighting the absurdity of your claims, not suggesting anyone actually take up arms, by showing up your own lack of true conviction for your statement.
Can you point to any evidence of your claim? Or is it in fact typical of the hot air hyperbole designed to rile people up simply because your candidate (presumably) was a turd sandwich and lost the un-losable election. It's easy to make wild claims, harder to back them up when facts don't match your fiction.
Great attempt at trying to blame Trump for the violence of the left but sorry, no cigar. Welcome to democracy, where people are allowed to chose someone else.
Great attempt at trying to blame Trump for the violence of the left but sorry, no cigar. Welcome to democracy, where people are allowed to chose someone else
Im Irish working in USA. most people in Ireland say TRUMP is a NUTJOB and I believe most in Europe are of the same opinion
where did you get your degree ? TRUMP UN ?
lol ..pog mo thoin
World democracy currently see USA current democracy as flawed because of TRUMP
USA is a laughing stock to the world because of TRUMP of should I say DRUMPF
Sometimes I feel like a prophet or the only person who foresees things happening that should be absolute common sense and that everybody knows. Based on the media, and FB posts, etc, here is what I am talking about.....
First going back several years, the big focus and false rhetoric of police targeting blacks, etc, and how all whites after them. I had called out on my fb, etc, that this was had to be stopped immediately, this PC crap and false narrative would result in police being killed and attacks on whites, maybe starting a race war from something that didn't exist as the narrative stated. During the next few years all of that started, police getting ambushed, etc. It all happened. Thankfully since Trump has taken over, this has settled down a bit.
When all the middle east starting 2014/2015 really started to flood into Europe. Millions. I was commenting on fb about how ridiculous and not smart that was, that Europe needs to close borders and have limits, and with what they were doing, instead of Europe being safe and relatively rare terrorist attacks, within a couple years they would majorly increase and import a ton of problems from the middle east. AND IT HAPPENED.
During the Trump election and after, tons of FB friends posting that all republicans are hateful racists. The whole "punch a nazi" aka violence/punch a republican trend. The attacks on peaceful trump supporters during the election. All of the media and violent rhetoric would result in people then actually doing violent attacks against republicans and lawmakers. And it's happening.
Is most of this world incredibly STUPID? and I mean that in the most demeaning and insulting way possible, because I can't understand how people can be so foolish to not understand something as simple as "cause and effect" and how actions and decisions have future consequences, either positive or negative. How is it so many people can't think beyond that very day. They make a decision as if past one day is a complete mystery and act surprised at future results of things. And the media are the worst offenders. Pushing for these things then acting surprised when stuff happens. In fact for them I hope the chickens come home to roost.
Sometimes I feel like a prophet or the only person who foresees things happening that should be absolute common sense and that everybody knows.
No you are not a prophet ...The new politics in USA is based on this book and Russia !
The Camp of the Saints (Le Camp des Saints) is a 1973 French novel by author and explorer Jean Raspail
I dont pretend to know the ANSWERS !
No you are not a prophet ...The new politics in USA is based on this book and Russia !
I'll check out the book.
I know I am not and that was meant to be a big joke. I feel like I alone know that if you touch a hot stove you'll get burned and majority of people do not know that and act extremely surprised when they get burned touching a hot stove. Many on this forum seem to be more enlightened and knowing what's going on. And probably from getting out of a mind controlling cult, we've learned to see BS and propaganda for what it is, but outside it's bad.
I had a conversation recently with a friend who talked about all the terror attacks in Europe and asked me why they were having so much. They would have been my facebook posts years ago that it was going to happen. I told them the reasons and laid it out, and just saw glassy eyes like there was no comprehension. Almost like explain TTAT to an active JW.