Didn't find an appropriate forum for this unique perspective:
'Our planet spends billions on searching for extraterrestrial life. Have they never thought seriously about the question: what would happen if we found it, or if it found us. The astronomers tacitly assume that we and the little green monsters would welcome each other and settle down to fascinating conversations.
Our own experience on Earth offers useful guidance. We've already disvovered two species that are very intelligent but technically less advanced than we are--the common chimpanzee and pygmy chimpanzee. Has the human response been to sit down and try to communicate with them? No. We shoot them, dissect them, cut off their hands for trophies, put them on exhibit in cages, injest them with AIDS virus as a medical experiment, and destroy or take over their habitats.
That response was preditable, because human explorers who discovered tehnically less-advanced humans also regularly responded by shooting them, decimating their populations with new diseases, and destroying or taking over their habitats.
Any advanced extraterrestrials who discovered us would surely treat us in the same way.
Think again of those astronomers who beamed radio signals into Space, describing Earth's location and its inhabitants. In its suicidal folly, that act rivaled the folly of the last Inca emperor, Atahalpa, who described to his gold-crazy Spanish captors the wealth of his capital and provided them with guides for the journey.
If there really are any radio civilizations within listening distance of us, then for heaven's sake, let's turn off our own transmitters and try to escape detection, or we're doomed.
Fortunately for us, the silence from Outer Space is deafening.'
From "The Third Chimpanzee" by Jared Diamond, pages 214-215.
Spooky, ain't it? Any comments?