Jim said: "I believe that any species which is so far advanced in their technology would by default have to be peaceful and benevolent. Why? Simply because otherwise they would have annihilated themselves first."
OK, possibly so. I see your point.
Jim also said: "Gee, maybe I should audition my writing talents to the "Faithful & Discreet Slave...."
Oh, Jim, let's do! God knows they NEED our help! "Dear Brothers, It has come to our attention that your organization is getting a little short-handed these days. We would like to offer our services to support your vitally important, worldwide charitable work. Our qualifications include apostasy, homosexuality, self-abuse, bad associations, unbecoming conduct, and a thorough acquaintance with all varieties of failed prophecy. We feel sure our combined efforts will prove useful to your organization as we can relate intimately to the human failings of all your followers. Our resumes and confidential Kingdom Hall files are enclosed for your review; recommendations from the elders who kicked our butts will be forwarded upon request. Our only stipulation is that we receive five percent of your gross income from sales of literature--small bills, please, in a plain suitcase. Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you soon. In brotherly love, Jim and Bill . . . ."
"If we all loved one another as much as we say we love God, I reckon there wouldn't be as much meanness in the world as there is."--from the movie Resurrection (1979)