I was looking at my children's watch history on Youtube when I saw that they were watching Atheist Content!!! What should I do?
My kids are watching Atheist Content on Youtube!
by Miriam 23 Replies latest social family
Encourage them to watch more if the programs make sense re science, history etc.
Your job as a parent is to help your children think for themselves and not be controlled, in the near future, by a failed religion like the JW's, the Mormon's, Scientology etc.
A highly controlled belief system promotes delusional beliefs.
Watch it yourself? You might learn something.
give them all sides of the issue. Do not push them to one or the other. Otherwise you do what the dubbers have done to millions. Be honest and tell them there is no evidence for a god or that any god exists. If you believe tell them that you believe based on faith or believing without any evidence. No that tingle in your leg is not proof.
Congratulate them.
If they have questions see if you can come up with honest answers that don't amount to special pleading, appeals to authority or include the word 'mystery'. Good luck with that.
I am curious as to what constitutes "atheist content".
Children will eventually make their own choice. The best thing a parent can do is provide a wide arena of education and allow the children to make their own choices based on the widest possible education that they can have. Even if children do view "atheist content" it won't make them atheists by itself.
I agree that watching it yourself so you know what they have been exposed to is a good idea. Do not disparage it. Kids can reason, too. Afterwards you may even have a good discussion with them!
True, ideas and reading does not turn one either way. Faith in God is something you either have or have not. That is basically the problem with much evangelism. It tries to convert people that are not fertile grounds. You can force such people but to no good outcome
Let them make their own choices
Rejoice! for their deliverance is near!
Much better than watching Caleb and Sofia.