How old are the children? If they are young you could watch with them and talk about the parts you disagree with (note I said talk WITH them, not at them). If they're teenagers, the fastest way to get them to watch more is to forbid it. If they're over 18 why are you telling them what they can watch, and more importantly why are they listening to you?
My kids are watching Atheist Content on Youtube!
by Miriam 23 Replies latest social family
My kids are watching Atheist Content on YouTube!
.............Thank God !
Miriam I get the feeling you kind of stumbled in here only to learn that obviously....... we are for the most part....... ex Jw's. Or at the least people who are still in..... because of family.
The information in answer to your concerns has been reasonable. Your concern leaves us with no understanding of who and what your children are or who and what kind of parent you are.
What we have to offer on this forum are parents, adults who have a found a way to leave the JW world with some dignity. There are a lot of issues re the WTBTS in many respects that demonstrate that they are more dangerous then Jonestown where 'only' 1,000 plus people committed suicide in one night.
Based on medical records at least 1000 JW's each year since 1940 (73,000 thousand to date) have accepted the ban on blood doctrine and died before their time...... or suffered beyond reason. This is based on the start of the ban in 1940.
My wife and I have lost two uber JW's in our families to a death that they need not have experienced ....not as young as they were.
At the very least remove the suicide cards you carry in your purse or wallet that cover you or your children with a ban on blood. Your not pleasing Jehovah. By the way His name was made up in the Catholic Church by a Monk . The WT Society has admitted to this.
You need to understand this ban on blood was a made up doctrine to set the JW's apart. They didn't need to be set apart with a dangerous belief....... they needed to be kept safe.
Your children are more important then the entire governing body and professional bethelites who haven't accomplished anything more important then your children have.
Their reading other things ....thank god for the internet.
Until the internet the Mormons never knew that their hound dog .....Joseph Smith..........had 30 wives.
Guess what you can discover for yourself if you......... like your children...... do your own research.
How do you feel about pedophiles? There are 23,000 who attend the different JW kingdom halls in the USA and who are on record with the WTBTS as pedophiles.
Jesus said "do not hinder the young children from coming to me". That's all you need to know.
The bull shit the Society supports is all you need to disregard. Jesus is the lost sole of the WTBTS. Being pro Jehovah when we were supposed to be Jesus's witnesses is part of their calculation.
Miriam. You too need to question everything yourself, too.
Your children will not be harmed by atheist content. More harm comes from religion.
No wars were ever started in the name of atheism.
pray more?
Maybe your kids could teach you something here Miriam ?
Out of the mouth of babes ?
Welcome here Miriam ,this is a great site to engage in without Judgemental people shunning you
Had it not been for the glorious a bomb, atheist communism had not kept their genocides within their boarders, just saying 😆 -
Joan75 - Communism has indeed been responsible for the deaths of approximately 100,000,000 deaths in the 20th century.
A disbelief in God is a premise of Marxism.
However your simplistic connection between disbelief in God and mass murder is facile.
Saying that a person does not believe in god tells us almost nothing about them. It's as empty of significance as noticing that somebody has red hair.
Personally I stand for many positive beliefs in humanism and secular ethics. Marxism is a flawed philosophy. Only ignorant youths and ideologues still pay heed to him.
Society has achieved progress standing on the shoulders of men like David Hume, Baruch Spinoza, John Locke and John Stuart Mill. The Enlightenment taught us to reject authoritarianism, whether religious or otherwise.
The sort of fundamentalism that you represent hypocritically enjoys all the benefits of the Enlightenment while trampling on all it stands for.
stan livedeath
HIT AND RUN TROLL. did its lots of replies.