The Watchtower's many legal problems and the JWs' use of carts in their preaching work, reminded me of a scene and dialog from the film PATTON.
In a scene where Patton is viewing a battle site the morning after, he says to an aide about the Nazis: “You know how I know that they're finished out there? The carts. They're using carts to lug their supplies and wounded. In my dreams I saw the carts. They kept buzzing around in my head and I couldn't figure out why. Then I remembered: the nightmare in the snow -- the endless, agonizing retreat from Moscow. God the cold! The wounded, and what was left of the supplies, were thrown into carts. Napoleon was finished.”
Now it seems that the Watchtower is doing the same. The JWs are loading their literature, supplies, the old and the sick on to carts. The old and sick JWs then sit there silently minding the carts. The physically healthy JWs who accompany the carts are in retreat, talking among themselves rather than make an effort to do any preaching.
Of course this doesn't mean the JW religion will suddenly collapse. But it does indicate that they are beginning the fade into insignificance.