Dallas Texas 5 Police Officers dead & 6 wounded ?

by smiddy 51 Replies latest social current

  • TD

    We do need better gun control here, but I'm not sure how that's going to stop the long string of bad shootings we've had in the last decade.

    It is very, very frustrating when the police "circle the wagons" and protect one of their own who really should be disciplined, terminated or prosecuted. (Or some combination of all three..)

    Here were I live, the Arizona Police Association shameless lies about these shootings and spins them in ways that are directly contradicted by forensic evidence and even eye-witness testimony

  • EndofMysteries
    You cant expect no push back from people who are disproportionally the target of ongoing and heavy handed law enforcement tactics just because they aren't white. -

    It's comments like these that are the problem. Where is the proof they are disproportionally the target of ongoing and heavy handed law endorcement? All statistics and FACTS prove otherwise. More unarmed whites are killed by police than whites. Likely you may mention that blacks have a higher percentage than their percentage of race makeup for the country. All dealings with police ARE PROPORTIONATE TO THE CRIME COMMITTED. I"m tired of the PC crap trying to pretend that places like chicago, baltimore, and detroit do not exisit, that blacks commit equal crime as whites, etc. Comments like your's are equivalent to the brainwashing technique done at the watchtower study of repeatedly saying something then in your mind becomes a true fact bypassing logic and reason.

    For the shooting of ALTON. IT WAS JUSTIFIED. I am also astounded how with video evidence that everybody can clearly see, they are blind to what was happening. Look at this video and freeze frame it around :16 and :17, go frame by frame. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pdGXhSQvTKc His left hand is secure but his right hand is free. He is fighting the whole time, and you see the officer grab his right hand but he gets it free. You also see his right shoulder shifting downwards (the exact motion that would happen if grabbing for lower right pocket). I can post his criminal record too, that's been reported, but then then these facts will quickly be ignored and the claim will be, "Well his criminal history didn't warrant a death sentence", no it didn't, he died because he was a man resisting arrest, having an illegal gun and reaching for it while he was being arrested. After he is shot once, he CONTINUES to fight and then being a big man wrestles the officer. His arrest record had a very similar case prior, he resisted and wrestled a cop and a semi automatic fell out of his pants.

    It's a joke and damned if you do and damned if you don't with the police. This officer was just killed by a teen, when there was a scuffle and the teen pulled a gun from his waistband. https://www.odmp.org/officer/22881-deputy-sheriff-david-francis-michel-jr Look at the outrage with Alton when he was a grown man, resisting arrest, and reaching for a gun from his pocket. Can you imagine if this officer who was killed had instead killed the teen in that scuffle? "O such a sweet young boy was murdered by that officer, he never reached for no gun", etc. Like "Moore" who was recently killed. http://www.al.com/news/mobile/index.ssf/2016/06/the_michael_moore_police_shoot.html

  • freemindfade
    Even thier training in shooting people and thier weapons bullets are to kill not to injure.

    This is actually NOT a true statement. Police are trained to use "deadly force", that is actually different than saying they are trained to kill. The real meaning of this is if they use "deadly force" to STOP someone, if they die in the process it is a consequence of using "deadly force" not because they were trying to take their life. Sometime death means stopped, sometimes not.

    As usual people with no law enforcement or firearm training whatsoever are making false statements in the emotional heat of these situations.

    Watching TV does not make you a criminal or firearms expert.

  • LisaRose
    hy would anyone assume these criminal gunmen, who shot the cops, got these guns legally?
    Why would anyone think that, if guns were outlawed for citizens, that events like this would not happen? The Boston Bombers used a pressure cooker. Should we ban pressure cookers?

    Well, some countries are getting nuclear weapons. Should we just throw our hands up and say, Oh well, North Korea can get them, so anybody can, let's just give up, because we aren't going to win?

    An extreme example, but just following your logic. There is no reason for any private citizen to have high capacity weapons. End. Of. Story. We could have banned them years ago and greatly reduced the number now floating around, but some people don't see the difference between gun control and gun bans and fight even common sense gun legislation. As long as we have a powerful gun lobby and a congress that refuses to act, we will keep getting what we are getting. That you will never get rid of them all is a red herring, you can and will get rid of a lot of them and make them much harder to obtain.

  • Witness My Fury
  • jws

    Sanchy wrote:

    Do you realize what you are saying here jws? So killing cops might be the answer elsewhere out of Dallas?
    You understand the frustration that these murderers have? Murderers are murderers, whether they are cops, blacks, whites, yellow, rich, poor or other. These guys have no justification and to sympathize with them is to become complicit with what's wrong in our society.

    Killing is not the answer. BUT, if you killed the people who shot somebody unjustly, you've at least got an argument that you were dealing justice. An eye for an eye. Take some ethnic group. Let's say an asian rapes your mother. If you go and kill him, well, that may not be the appropriate punishment for rape, but at least you're focusing your anger and rage at the person who committed the crime against your mother. If you go on the street and start beating up anybody who's asian, that's definitely not the answer.

    If the cops unfairly killed two people, and they got killed. Well, I don't know that I wouldn't say justice was served.

    Whether people like it or not, there are bad cops in this country. And to add insult to injury, even when they are wrong, they often get a slap on the wrist. Can you imagine if your mom's rapist was just told don't do it again and set free? It's very frustrating and makes the black community feel like they're getting trampled on and there is no justice. IMO, a riot of this kind was bound to happen someplace. The cops shoot black people, they don't get justice, so I can see where some think it's up to them to met out the justice.

    They've been saying "we do matter, please stop killing us" and some media will play that down and condemn them for that. They're saying stop killing us and the media wants to rob the life out of that movement.

    We need WAY more prosecutions in this country for bad cops. Too many times we see they get off light. And it all adds up. Like the case in Chicago where the kid was walking down the street with a knife. A cop pulls up and shoots him. Not once, not twice, but 16 times, including several after the kid was already on the ground dying. And the city sat on that video for over a year. As soon as the video was released, he was charged with 1st degree murder. And let's hope he gets the maximum sentence and sends a message to all cops everywhere.

    And yes, I meant Tamir Rice. Another disgusting case where they found independent experts to say the shooting was reasonable. The cop clearly lied. Witnesses don't agree with his testimony. The video doesn't. Yet what happened to this officer?

    These people need to be jailed, not given leniency for being cops. If it makes cops pause and think a minute, it will save lives. Because right now, I don't think they're too worried. The city, the police force all have their back.

  • jws

    jacobm wrote:

    Why would anyone assume these criminal gunmen, who shot the cops, got these guns legally?
    Why would anyone think that, if guns were outlawed for citizens, that events like this would not happen? The Boston Bombers used a pressure cooker. Should we ban pressure cookers?

    First off, why would anybody assume the guns involved are illegal?

    As for Boston, he could have just lobbed grenades. Why use a pressure cooker? Why not go buy some grenades. Oh that's right. Explosives are controlled. He had to make his own. But for the most part, people don't use them because they don't know how to make their own. It's much easier to go buy something off a shelf. Sheer ignorance cuts down on a lot of this.

    No, it doesn't mean somebody somewhere won't get a gun or a bomb. But if we limit it, it makes it a lot harder to obtain those things and that saves lives. For the one person who can obtain that stuff anyway, there's probably 10 you've stopped.

  • cofty
    However, again, common sense will show that there is also a problem within the lower class minority culture, specially poor black culture, a problem of violence, disrespect, and lack of self control. This has nothing to do with race and much to do with culture. - Sanchy

    This is the part that a lot of people seem to have a problem admitting.

    From everything I read on here and see on TV news I also get the impression that the standard of professionalism and education that is required to be a cop in the USA is not what it should be. Would that be fair comment?

    Getting a job in the police in the UK is very difficult. Selection and training is rigorous. Only a small percentage of police - who volunteer - will ever pass the further training to use firearms. If a UK police officer uses his/her weapon they will face a thorough investigation by the independent PCC.

  • freemindfade
    From everything I read on here and see on TV news I also get the impression that the standard of professionalism and education that is required to be a cop in the USA is not what it should be. Would that be fair comment?

    Cofty in america we have an expression, people become cops because they can't do anything else. There are a lot of bozo's in american police ranks. Not all, but a lot. If you have every had to deal with them here they are usually total flunkies. I have loads of stories. They are not professionals typically, they are really just chip on their shoulder people who want to do their time, earn their money, and get their pension. Again.. there are good hearted and professional police, but the majority are the same people working for the city garbage pick up.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I don't like cops, there are good cops, criminal cops (if you ever lived in nyc you know what I am talking about, racist cops, and A TON of asshole cops

    I agree that there are some good cops out there, but the other 99% of cops make a bad name for the few good ones that are there.


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