Dallas Texas 5 Police Officers dead & 6 wounded ?

by smiddy 51 Replies latest social current

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    It was worst in the 60's and 70's for blacks without cameras,,,,,We have made progress but

    we still have away to go....I have a positive attitude that we will come together as a nation.

    The only thing I'am concern about is the white extremist groups use this to ignite a

    race war or retaliate against blacks....

  • EndofMysteries

    Last year 32 unarmed whtes killed and 38 unarmedblacks. Washington post describes every detail of all police shootings if one wants to look it up.of those unarmed, many resisted, etc.

    Over 1,200,000 police in USA. A fraction of the 38unarmedblack killed are questionable. That's why the sensationalized are usuallyvery questionable. Look up how many black on black killings in chicago alone just last week. Its a higher number.

    So those who hav. Just commented on majority or 99% of police bad and target blacks.explain those numbers

  • redvip2000

    Last year 32 unarmed whtes killed and 38 unarmedblacks. Washington post describes every detail of all police shootings if one wants to look it up.of those unarmed, many resisted, etc.

    Sorry, i think your looked up the wrong numbers. It would have to be much higher than this. There were actually around 1000 deaths from police shootings last year. The majority of people shot were white, with only 6 percent fitting the "young black male" profile we see on the news.

    When it comes to shootings of people that are not armed, the number of blacks jumps to 40% which is an interesting note, however still under 50%. It's not illogical to think that several of the shootings where white folks died, were also dubious, although somehow it never deserves public outcry.

  • RubaDub

    Don't screw around with our Second Amendment right to have guns.

    If someone doesn't behave the way you like, just shoot them.

    The guy with the broken rear light on his car had it coming to him.

    Rub a Dub

  • Simon
    The black people are saying enough is enough. Stop shooting us. Which does happen disproportionately to black people. Look at Trayvon Martin. A kid playing with a toy gun. The cops rode up and shot him within seconds. Didn't pull further away. Observe. Ask him to drop the gun, whatever. Just rode up and shot him dead. In an open carry state.

    mmnn, I think you have your cases mixed up. Trayvon Martin assaulted someone and was shot in self defence (not by the police). You are maybe thinking of Tamir Rice who was pointing a gun at people and was shot by police.

    Back to the subject ...

    I think what you are seeing now is an inevitable consequence of so many people carrying and able to use weapons. Everyone is on edge and it's unrealistic to expect cops not to make mistakes and be under-cautious so wrongful shootings will simply happen - it's the cost of having free access to guns. What are they supposed to do if people are freely walking the streets with assault rifles? It's nuts. How do you protect against anyone suddenly opening fire?

    Some people want a perfect system where there are ultimate freedoms and also no mistakes but that's never going to happen in any system involving people. Here's why ...

    Imagine a distribution of "incidents" from cops being murdered by people through to totally valid shootings of suspects by police and on to cold blooded murder of civilians. The only way to have that distribution never encroach into either extreme is to bias things the other way - that means cops only shoot when they are absolutely convinced that it's justified (like someone's shooting at them) which would mean increased danger for the police and less effective law enforcement. Good cops with options wouldn't want to stay in the job and the standard would go down. Chaos. Crime. The Purge. Bad.

    Going the other way would mean that far too many innocent people are shot and the cops have too much protection from the consequences of poor decisions.

    Either way you stand on the issue of gun control, the free access to weapons and the likelihood that someone will have one will inevitably affect how people act when it comes to policing. It's a pressure to move the line across the distribution of incidents which causes so many news-worthy incidents (although many are hyped into something they are not - the traffic stop one is the only clear-cut one recently).

    I don't think the standard of policing can improve or the shootings go down while the number and power of guns is going up. It's the price that society pays for the "right" for everyone to be armed. "Enjoy". It's what you voted for.

    Yes, it's bleak. There's no solution other than to re-interpret the 2nd amendment. Vote in the election and stack the supreme court with non-Scalia types and kick out the idiots in congress and maybe, just maybe, the US can change course and some common sense can be applied.

  • EndofMysteries

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/police-shootings/ Those are all police shootings and details. You can click on a race, armed/unarmed, etc, then click on the people icon for all the details on what happened.

    So 38 unarmed blacks killed by police in 2015. Out of 1,200,000 officers, out of millions of interactions and calls. Of those 38 unarmed blacks, some of the circumstances include..."shot with a stun gun then punched officer in face", "grabbing the officers gun", etc. So under 38 in the ENTIRE USA! In just Chicago alone since July 1st there are more than 38 black on black.

    But BLM insist whites and police targeting them and wiping them out.

    Back to the disproportionate comments, if we take that reasoning that everything should be proportionate and that only racism would be why blacks have more arrests, or murder arrests, or deaths from police, as racism and not because of more crime by them, then MALE LIVES MATTER! Females are getting away with murder and cops are killing males. Males are way disproportionate to females for arrests, deaths, and all of that. Time to start marching and calling out this sexism for what it is!

  • scary21

    I have at least three stories about crooked cops,but most deserve our respect.

    We see these videos out of context. Often we don't see the beginning or the end.

    Parents need to teach their children that when an officer tells you to STOP you STOP. When he tells you to get on the ground you get on the ground, and when he says put your hands behind your back, that's what you do, Period !

    Problem solved......almost

    I really don't think these cops want to kill people.

  • smiddy

    Could I make a comparison here ? Between the United States and Islam ?

    Islam , some sections of it , relies on the ancient text the Koran , and interprets it literally , and commits acts to abide by it, as obedient Muslims to the Prophet Mohamed .

    Regardless of the consequences .

    Many Americans , the NRA supporters in particular ,rely an on old Constitution Amendment that gives every American citizen the right to carry arms .I am not arguing it may not have been relevant in it`s time , however the reason it was relevant then does not apply in todays society.2016

    Again they have no regard to the consequences

    It is time to stop living in past Centuries and start living in the 21st Century where we are now , and move forward

    This circular reasoning , humans don`t kill , guns do,....,guns don`t kill , humans do... is playing with semantics.

    We are supposed to be the most civilized , advanced age , in human history , and what do we have to show for it , in our relationships with each other as human beings.


  • TD

    The problem strikes me as deeper than ethnic friction and deeper than gun ownership.

    -Take the case of Dawn Rae Nelson a few years ago. A woman who had become addicted to pain medication was caught passing a forged prescription at a Walgreens drive-thru. The officer parked his motorcycle in front of her vehicle, requested her license and then walked to rear of the vehicle to check the plate. At that point, Ms. Nelson got the bright idea of fleeing from the officer and started her engine. The officer quickly stepped to the driver's window and fatally shot Ms. Nelson. The bullet entered her left shoulder, traveled through the thoracic cavity and severed her aorta. After Ms. Nelson was shot, the vehicle lurched forward and knocked the motorcycle over.

    Now there is no question that Ms. Nelson was breaking the law by passing phony prescriptions and no question that she further compounded this offense by attempting to flee from the arresting officer. There is also no question that lethal force was not justified. The bullet trajectory and eye-witness testimony very clearly show that the officer was not standing in the path of the vehicle. This officer appears to be a man who entered the force, not for the good of the community, but to have a legal excuse to drive real fast and kill people.

    -Or take the recent shooting in Paradise, CA. You can watch the video for yourself. I do not see a jumpy police officer. I see an officer calmly and methodically draw his pistol, take careful aim and fatally shoot a very clearly inebriated, dazed, unarmed and otherwise non-threatening suspect. Again this appears to be a case of sheer, cussed, trigger-happiness

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I've just seen that video earlier today as it happens. Well i saw a gif of the apparently casual murder 1st then the fuller video with description.

    It does at 1st appear to be a deliberate act of callous murder, but on closer inspection and the details given it does seem to be an accidental discharge on draw of weapon and then him trying to work out i f he can cover up his blunder.


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