I wonder how many times an elder approached you before the meeting to say, "After the meeting, WE would like to talk to you about something". You know that feeling-----remember??? The entire meeting you tried not to think about whatever it was they needed to talk to you about. Was it something that you said, something you did wrong, something the elders noticed that you needed counsel for?.......Anyone have this type of memory???
Have The Elders Ever Told You They Needed To Speak 2 You After The Meeting?
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
Winston Smith :>D
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought the title said, "Have The Elders Ever Told You They Needed To Spank You After The Meeting?"
Speak, umm, yes.
Winston Smith :>D
They needed to speak on different occasions for different reasons.
I was in trouble.
Someone else was in trouble and I had to rat on them.
Someone else was spreading rumours about me.
I was up for additional privileges.
oh god, the horror!!!!!!! this happened to me when i was maybe twelve...i sat through the whole meeting in a daze, worrying myself sick! as it turned out they just wanted to interrogate me about my parent's pending divorce...nice, huh? then a week later they df'd my mom, i felt horrible. yuck, i had COMPLETELY blocked that out of my memory till now.thanks a lot, minimus. :P (j/k)
Only once and without the sanction of the elder body. When it turned out the 2 elders had misinformation, their butts were chewed out by the body. It wasn't that the body liked me so much as they wanted an excuse to get at these 2 brothers who were removed 6 months later for this and similar independent actions.
Ever since that occasion, elders have given me a wide berth.
All the time!!! The best one was about 4 meetings before my last one. They asked to see me after the meeting to clear up some rumors going around about me. I told them that was fine. So halfway during the meeting I left to goto the bar to watch a thursday night football game. The one elder had my cellphone # and called me and asked me where I was. I told him I got rather ill and was in bed sick. The best part was I know he could here all the background noise of the bar. They never followed up, cause I guess they knew I didn't care.
They needed to speak on different occasions for different reasons. Often it was because someone else was in trouble and I had to provide info on them -- quite often it was because someone was spreading rumours about me/family. Often it was because my children were in trouble or someone was saying bad things about them -- they had been drinking etc (often this was actually true).I was up for additional privileges. I had been apointed a MS -- then they approached me because I was to be appointed an elder and they wanted to make sure I wanted the posiition -- and that had not been a bad boy and did not deserve it
when i was maybe twelve...i sat through the whole meeting in a daze, worrying myself sick! as it turned out they just wanted to interrogate me about my parent's pending divorce
INterrogating a kid to get the goods on his parents pending divorce.....
That's sick......
They pulled me back when i was about fifteen , they were trying to cope with an upcropping of sideburns in the cong . they asked if i would shorten them , because the YOUTH need good grooming to have responsibilities in the cong. .....that was when i was a pioneer ...was that really me ?.....I basicly told them to take a flying one . it was the end of my privileges and they didnt let (make) me give talks for about six months. I think it was the start of somthin good fer me ! I wish i could tell em to bite it in a more discriptive way now.
I was in trouble.
Someone else was in trouble and I had to rat on them.
Someone else was spreading rumours about me.
I was up for additional privileges.
Yup. All of the above that someone else listed.
I usually thought up all kinds of weird things that could happen and wondered if they find out about something really serious. Usually it was something small, but the ones that burnt me up the most were the ones were somebody was spreading rumors. Ya got something to say, say it to me first, not the elders. Even if it was true, be an adult about it and face me with the insinuations or accusations. That $#!+ burnt me up.
Being up for additional privledges was usually before the meeting though. They would ask if there was anything that would hold me back from accepting the position of MS. I would lie and say no. And that same meeting it would be announced that I was appointed an MS.