Stupidest thing a JW ever told you

by Nosferatu 193 Replies latest jw friends

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    ``Armageddeon is so close; I really hope my nice catholic uncle George dies before then so he can qualify for the resurrection."...

  • heathen

    How about the part where they say they are the truth ??

  • Hamas
    How about the part where they say they are the truth ?





    - The memories. Keep 'em coming.

  • jgnat

    How about, "I have learned a lot from the Watchtower articles."

  • Elsewhere

    I also recall my mom explaining to me why organ transplants were wrong... she told me a story about a man who received the heart of another man and he started acting like the donor. She said that the personality was in the heart.

    I had a hard time believing that, even as a very young child.

  • integ

    The Governing Body merely transcribe to paper what Jehovah tells them to.

  • micheal

    1. The meetings are so refreshing!!

    2. If you miss even one meeting you will miss alot. ( Like what a good nap)

  • iiz2cool

    The most stupid thing I ever heard from a JW was before I became one. I knew very little about the bible, and since they seemed to back up everything they said from the bible I started to believe them. The brother studying with me said it was no time to get married since the end was so close. He didn't give this system another 2 years! He also said there would be no marriage or sex in the new system.

    Being a healthy 19 year old male, I took the matter very seriously, and made it my firm resolve to stop the study and go out and get laid as much as possible while I still could.

    Unfortunatley, a few years later I lost all common sense and became a JW anyway.


  • shotgun

    When the boys came for a visit I mentioned how new truths kept cancelling out old truths and how could you fault someone for leaving an Organization which was teaching what turned out later to be false interpretations of the scriptures saying they had understanding from God. In essence they were following the bibles command to remain free from false religion and not to even touch the unclean thing.

    A pillar in the congregation (elder) one whom I had actually respected before this told me that Jah may have used lies and deception to weed out ones serving for the wrong reasons. I laughed and said you mean he used lies to find and attract people who wanted truth but rejected the people who would not believe a lie. Sounds more like Satan to me!

  • reubenfine

    This one elder would say the funniest stuff from the stage. In the '70s he would say we should stay away from "discoteeks." Then he said no good Christian would tube down the river or have cable TV, ESPECIALLY HBO. My dad was an elder and had cable TV and EVEN watched boxing. LOL

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