I asked my pimi brother a question about the year 1975 and he just directed me to Jwilly.org. another excuse.
JW Excuses
by Vanderhoven7 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
So many excuses ! blimey, I lost count ! surely, if you have the Truth you don't have to keep making excuses ? of course you don't, you simply state the truth, and it will stand, it will suffer any scrutiny, it will demolish the lie, the Truth needs no excuses !
Anna Marina
Agreed. But, WT are a bunch of liars.
The whole "it's like tacking in sailing, you make adjustments when needed," to explain their ever changing doctrines drives me crazy.
Have they ever been sailing?
Regardless any tacking that might be involved, you always end up at the same destination!
Their doctrines change and they end up somewhere different all the time.
The metaphor fails utterly.