OGTG: The hybrid generation of 1914, using Franz as the basis for it, makes that generation 122 years old now.
with ~ 60 years more to go.
by raven 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
OGTG: The hybrid generation of 1914, using Franz as the basis for it, makes that generation 122 years old now.
with ~ 60 years more to go.
Aside from the full blown lying like the end is NOT coming, it's the poor loyal JWs that are growing old and can't do anything about this.
You've been a JW all your life and you are approaching 70.
There's no way you can risk researching and verifying your suspicions.
You can't think about it or discuss your concerns with anyone.
Instead you pretend everything is fine and Jehovah will fix it all later.
( this is the story of my older loyal JW wife )
It's the most evil 'bait and switch' that I am aware of.
Can someone please help explain to me the overlapping generations teaching?
Basically its a contrived lie to support 1914 which in itself is a lie created to attract attention to the literature the WTS published. Jesus took his throne in heaven and solemnly chose the Watchtower Corporation as his earthly organization in 1914.
Jesus said " This Generation " not an Overlapping Generations " by the way.
The word generation epistemically used and understood in the bible usually refereed to a complete single life span of a living person.
All of the contrived false teachings by the WTS comes down to supporting 1914 and its particular relevance as a calculated date by the WTS..
To really understand the core implication the WTS has professed all throughout the 20th century and todate concerning "This Generation" , one should review and examine what the WTS. proclaimed about 1914 in its entirety.
Why would there be 'overlapping' generation in the extended (or second) fulfillment of the prophecy, when that was not the case in the initial fulfillment.
I mean, when Jesus said "THIS generation shall not pass...", well, 37 years later the prophecy was fulfilled; within the time frame of 'this' generation'. Simple and clean.
Could it be, let's say, there is no second fulfillment?
Could it be, let's say, there is no second fulfillment?
Yes your right but tell the JWS heads, it blows their marketing strategy to hell.
Its coming very soon now OK
OTWO: "Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." So they change what "this generation" means. They may, in the future, change what "not pass away" means or even redefine whether those things "happened."
Great comment!
Amazing how the society that claims to "let the bible interpret itself" and "never to go beyond the scriptures" has so easily and willingly failed in those aims....
That explanation by Splane was the most laughable thing seen in my whole generation! (pun intended!)
According to their own teachings the prophecy that 'this generation will by no means pass away until all these things come true' cannot occur.
The statement indicates that the generation WILL pass away, it is only the timing which is discussed. It does not say 'will never pass away'. A recent article discusses the rapture during the GT, where the anointed will be instantly transformed and enter the heavenly realm.
Their previous teaching had survivors passing through Armageddon to live forever.
In my opinion WT has benefited from what's known as cognitive disfluency (i.e. The harder you have to think to understand a concept or idea, the more it sticks to you).
So concepts as the times of gentiles, 2,520 years, and from there 1914, the generation, etc. take so much to understand and assimilate, they end up sticking you; by the time you 'master it' and are able to explain it to others, it becomes deeply ingrained, no matter how little sense it really makes.
At the same time, and by the same token, changing the 'Generation' understanding so many times in such a brief period becomes an attack, an undermining of a core belief of many. In other words, they spent 70+ decades instilling in us the 1914 generation teaching, and now they are taking it away. This is not sitting well with many JWs.
Add to that how stupid and arbitrary the 'overlapping generation' teaching is...