Marc O'Donell's statement: Lloyd and the conflict of Interest

by Diogenesister 48 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Simon


    I told you it wasn't open for debate. You since posted twice advocating that there's nothing wrong with a 30 year old man having sex with a 14 year old girl. Ironically, you think me deleting such a post is something worthy of your criticism. I think your values are all wrong.

    I deleted your posts and your account as people like you frankly disgust me. This site won't be a platform for pedo apologists.

  • Biahi

    Thanks, Simon. 👍🏻😘

  • StephaneLaliberte
    I told you it wasn't open for debate. You since posted twice advocating that there's nothing wrong with a 30 year old man having sex with a 14 year old girl.

    One thing Nitty-Gritty said that caught my attention is that its not illegal in Germany. Here is what Wikipedia states on this, siting Germany's criminal code from 2012:

    The age of consent in Germany is 14, as long as a person over the age of 21 does not exploit a 14- to 15-year-old person's lack of capacity for sexual self-determination, in which case a conviction of an individual over the age of 21 requires a complaint from the younger individual;

    I have to say that I find this sickening. From where I stand, I think Canada has it right. You go by age difference.

    In May 2008, the Canadian government passed a bill to raise the age of consent from 14 to 16, while creating a close-in-age exemption for sex between 14–15 year olds and partners less than 5 years older, and keeping an existing close-in-age clause for sex between 12–13 year olds and partners less than 2 years older.[3]

    I don't believe laws should be a barometer for morality. Regardless of what Germany thinks, a 30 year old trying to get it on with a 14 year old is sickening.

  • Simon

    Countries that have lower age-of-consent laws tend to have a "Juliet clause" that limits the age-difference, precisely to protect them from abuse without also criminalizing young people in genuine relationships.

    Because there is a world of difference between a 14 year old girl with a 16 year old boyfriend, and a 14 year old girl and a 30 year old man who's groomed her online to meetup in a car-park.

    Anyone who thinks these are the same is either a ridiculous simpleton, a pedo apologist or a pedo.

    But it's an irrelevant distraction what the law is elsewhere, the age of consent in England and Wales is 16, anyone having sex with such a minor who cannot legally give consent, but especially a 30 year old man, is a child rapist. Also, the legal definition of sex in this case isn't limited to full intercourse, it includes oral and masturbation.

    If someone can't control their penis, and has shown a tendency and willingness to use "girls" then whether they have actually raped an underage girl and end up facing prosecution for it is immaterial - they have no business ever being near or involving themselves in anything to do with child sexual abuse survivors for the optics alone.

    But the thought that someone like that went out of their way to involve themselves into groups that dealt with such survivors really gives me Jimmy Saville vibes - he was always keen to "help" children's charities, such a keen campaigner for kids ...

  • NonCoinCollector

    Thanks Simon for removing that person. Defending a married 30 year-old seeking intimacy from a 14 year-old is sick. Bad enough that he was looking for love in all the wrong places, but once the age is known that is a whole other level of bad.

  • Diogenesister
    Countries that have lower age-of-consent laws tend to have a "Juliet clause" that limits the age-difference, precisely to protect them from abuse without also criminalizing young people in genuine relationships.
    Because there is a world of difference between a 14 year old girl with a 16 year old boyfriend, and a 14 year old girl and a 30 year old man who's groomed her online to meetup in a car-park.

    Interesting I didn't know it was called a "Juliet clause".

    I fully agree the law needs to protect teens in teen relationships.

    It's funny though my 16 yr old sons were saying a few weeks ago how grossed out they were by some kid in their year going out with a girl in year 9 (14)😆🤣🤣Apparently "she's a kid"😜

  • StephaneLaliberte
    It's funny though my 16 yr old sons were saying a few weeks ago how grossed out they were by some kid in their year going out with a girl in year 9 (14)😆🤣🤣Apparently "she's a kid"

    Well, 16 to 14 wouldn't be a problem for me...

    Still, I must say that I had a very hard time yesterday wrapping my mind around the fact that a country like Germany would leave laws open to enabling full-blown adults to engage in sexual activities with 14 years old. Had it been some developing country, a communist one, or dictatorship, I wouldn’t have been shocked. But Germany is like one of us! A civilized, modern, democratic county that is supposed to be ahead of the curve on questions like these.

    Had I still been a JW, I would have welcomed such news as further proof of this system’s wickedness and in desperate need of God’s intervention. No longer a believer, I am left with this feeling of distress of how bad humans are with no end in sight.

    For such laws to remain in place, the people in that country must be complacent about the issue. For instance, imagine that the father of a 14 year old beat another grown man to a pulp for grooming his daughter. This would result in news headlines in which the Dad would face justice for the attack while the perpetrator would have no consequences. People would react to this story and its absurdity. Repeat this scenario often enough and law makers would make it right by amending their laws to something alike to what is found in the UK, Canada and USA. Something that makes sense.

    My point is that this law is a shame that lays on the German people. Seeing things in that angle, I find it very distressing and it puts my faith in humanity in jeopardy.

  • Nostromo

    Germany is not the only country in Europe where the age of consent is so low, there are about 15 more. I have never understood this.

  • Simon

    Because the rest of Europe are savages, and missed out on anglo-saxon history and law-making. Just one more example of how the UK was never really part of EU.

  • DesirousOfChange

    We attended the 50th anniversary of a couple that have been friends of the family for years. (I even dated one of their daughters.) At the party we learned she was 65 years old and he was 75 years old. That means at the time of their marriage she was 15 and he was 25. I believe they were from Arkansas. (US readers will get that.)

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