Ya think? Are you sure you didn't mean Phallacy?
A few years ago I developed and taught, at one of the local colleges, an Intelligence Analysis course. I developed it with the assistance of the Lt. at West Point who taught the same class to the Academy's cadets. I had even selected the same texts they used, without knowing it at the time. For much of the past decade I've been privileged to work as an intelligence analyst, among other tasks, for one of the sections of our (US) gov.
So I guess you could say I'm an expert in this area. Because I'm an expert in this area. You begin your analyses with the end already formulated (End Times, Bible inerrancy, blah blah fukking blah) and you massage and force all available data and interpretations into it. It is called confirmation bias and it's all you got. And Fish, the bible, Nostradamus, your aunt's tea leaves and the stuff you pull out of your ass do not count as sources.
So when you say you are analytical it means you have made up your mind before you intensely analyze 1/1,000,000,000,000th of the data.
You flail around in a cesspool of confirmation bias. You've been ears' deep in it so long you don't realize it smells like poop. Because that is what it is.