here there are not any new appointments to either "privilege". must have to do with the old boys club. the CO did notice it last visit there are a lot of beat men trying to make a living and make sense of the direction??? the WT is taking
Qualifications of elders question
by charity7 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The B o E, meet and review the likely candidates. They consider the two passages of Scripture and WT guidlines . If agreed the man is submitted to the C.O. at his visit. He may do some Ministry with him and decide to appoint or not.
Nowadays that is it.
As mentioned: field service hours is the #1 criteria. Something mentioned NOWHERE in the Bible.
They are appointed by Holly spirit.
Hey speaking of "husband of one wife", can anyone point me to where Jesus or his guys specifically did away with polygamy? or concubines? Serious question.
Do they ever appoint someone with ubm? and unbelieving (now adult & out of house) children?
Husband of one wife". So "technically" a man that has been married more than once does not qualify.
Back in the day that I was still running on the hamster wheel, THIS was the "reason" given for my never making it up the ladder. It was also the first step in waking up to the idiocy of it all. Like I was somehow supposed to force an adulterous female not to run off? Good riddance to BOTH of them!!
FedUpJW - I've seen lots of remarried elders..
There's quite a lack of consistency in applying the rules.. My guess is someone(s) didn't like you (or liked someone else more.. like maybe family members - there's a lot of that too)
I know quite a few men in our small area who became elders after a divorce and remarriage. My ex was one of them.