My understanding is that "trolley witnessing" is basically available for any regular publisher, but "special metropolitan witnessing" (km 12/13 p. 5) was reserved for certain designated ones within the congregations. Only the latter group was instructed to wear "business attire" at their trollies, if my memory serves me right. Regardless, both groups appear to have been briefed not to get into doctrinal discussions or debates, but rather, refer the person to the org's web site or even write their question/s to the Branch for answers. Modern day J.W.'s are unable to defend what they believe - so they don't even try now. Sad.
Cart Witnesses Today - I am not impressed
by pale.emperor 43 Replies latest jw experiences
Modern day J.W.'s are unable to defend what they believe - so they don't even try now. Sad.
Seriously?!! This is a wake up call. Hopefully it'll mean less people joining up and more people leaving over the next few decades.
It's like Diet Jehovah's Witness. Same bullshit, half the thinking involved.
St George of England
Modern day J.W.'s are unable to defend what they believe - so they don't even try now. Sad.
They cannot defend what they believe because they don't KNOW what they belief. Doctrines have changed so much in the past few years, even the elders cannot keep up. If you have a copy of the WT CD-ROM enter "Beliefs clarified" in the search option and see all the changes made each year. Pick a couple of recent ones and ask them to explain!
Almost 90% Of JWs are embarrassed about their own beliefs and are always hesitant to open up a conversation to the public and they all do it for counting hours only. This was my experience in the Cult and I had also been doing the same.
In my experience this correlates to their age. Younger Jdubs tending to carts have absolutely no desire to engage you whatsoever, and will do as much as possible to ignore you. They don't try to explain anything, and just want you to take a magazine and move along while they count their time.
The amount of brain power of the average Jdub these days is almost embarrassing. The theocratic activities are all robotic and are all done on "maintenance mode", where the objective is simply to stay afloat in the cult, in order to maintain status and social connections.
Why, it's almost as if they didn't want to do the ministry and it was a compulsion.
Any active JW who thinks WBT$/JW ministry is voluntary.
Should try stopping "cold turkey"......A shepherding visit won`t be far away.
WBT$ Literature Carts.
Are the new "Back of the Kingdom Hall" where JW`s visit each other.
Everyone stays in their own tight little group, outsiders are not accepted.
Worldly people should keep moving along..
They have become the very people they once criticised - just like 'members of the churches of Christendom'(a derogatory reference by JW judgements).
Remember the 'blue bombshell'? The book released in 1968 (I think that's the year it came out ) called, The Truth that Leads to Eternal Life - of 'the Truth' book for short.
That had a superb chapter (later revealed as written largely by Ray Franz) entitled, Why It Is Wise to Examine Your Religion.
It's premise was, you owe it to yourself to scrutinise your religious beliefs because if you have the truth, you have nothing to fear from scrutinising them - and if you don't have the truth, wouldn't you rather know so you can make an informed choice about whether to remain in yiyr religion?
It was powerfully - although perhaps narrowly - argued and applied - because it would become clearear as the decades passed, that JWs applied its reasoning, not to their own teachings, but to everyone else's religion.
That chapter also claimed that members of the churches of Christendom unwisely left doctrinal matters in the hands of their clergy and ministers when they needed to check them out for themselves.
A damn shame that decades later, few if any active JWs know of that blue bombshell and have zero interest in following its wise admonition to personally scrutinise their own religious beliefs - beyond the superficial once-over-lightly .
Fast forward to today where the calibre of your street cart work JWs is little more than nominal - just like the finger pointing at the churches.
Modern day J.W.'s are unable to defend what they believe - so they don't even try now. Sad.
Seriously?!! This is a wake up call. Hopefully it'll mean less people joining up and more people leaving over the next few decades.
Perhaps just everyone signing up to work the carts.....don't need to talk to people- don't need to know my religion- don't need to explain it- don't need to defend it's teachings
Just tell em to go to and check it out. What could be easier?!
JW GoneBad
Could a person be JW Christian by using just the bible and not studying magazines?
Yah.. that question would make any JW stutter and squirm!
In his day, this little kid could probably give more of a 'witness' than the modern day trolley cart tenders.