Cart Witnesses Today - I am not impressed

by pale.emperor 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Londo111

    The organization seem to be transitioning from actively reading heavy materials about types and antitypes to lighter materials that are lifestyle-centered and passively watching videos. If the trend continues, it would simply be videocentric rather than any reading at all.

    Reading takes proactive mental exercise that watching lite videos and cartoons does not.

    Another strategy the organization gives JWs is not to engage in “arguments”. So any question that is too tough, it is easier to run citing “we don’t argue” as a thought-terminating cliché.

    At best, the offer to go away and do research on the matter and come back later. If it’s too tough, it is good incentive not to come back. But if they do, it may be with Watchtower articles that they themselves do not understand and they hope that the article can explain it better than they do. It is a “cut and paste” type of research. They have no ability to discuss the articles, even if they have read it, which at best is a cursory reading.

    Long gone are the JWs of yesteryear that I knew who would go to people’s door and argue how their organization fulfilled the “times, time, and half a time”.

  • Ding

    Long gone are the JWs of yesteryear that I knew who would go to people’s door and argue how their organization fulfilled the “times, time, and half a time”.

    I wonder how many of JWs today can explain how the 1914 date is arrived at without reading it word-for-word out of the Reasoning book...

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    That's another good question to put to a JW who is doing cart witnessing...

    "Can you simply show me where in the Bible 1914 is in print?"

  • Ding

    Steve2 mentioned the Truth book chapter entitled "Why It Is Wise to Examine Your Religion."

    I have asked a number of JWs to read aloud this passage from that chapter:

    We need to examine, not only what we personally believe, but also what is taught by any religious organization with which we may be associated. Are its teachings in full harmony with God’s Word, or are they based on the traditions of men? If we are lovers of the truth, there is nothing to fear from such an examination. It should be the sincere desire of every one of us to learn what God’s will is for us, and then to do it.—John 8:32.

    They will read it, but then they give me a deer-in-the-headlights look in response.

    The idea that they should apply this advice to the teachings and practices of the Watchtower organization itself doesn't compute.

    They think they have already checked out the WT and determined that it's "the truth," so why should they examine things any further?

  • undercover
    Just approached a cart then with two JW girls holding out mags. They continued chatting to each other about car insurance when I took the Watchtower from one of their hands.

    You sure you hadn't stepped into the set of a Geico car insurance commercial? "We can't save you from Armageddon, but we can save you 15% or more on your car insurance."

  • pale.emperor

    I was one of those witnesses that HAD to know it all inside out. I studied like a fiend for pleasure even in my school years. I was by no means the golden boy of the KH, i just found the theology and bible history fascinating. 1914 always presented a problem to me though. Even when i believed it i strongly believed that we shouldn't be trying to work out dates from the bible. But if asked by someone (which almost never happened) i was able to explain it, but i knew how ridiculous it sounded as i was saying it.

    So it's frustrating to me now that im out that the next generation of JWs have absolutely no clue of the deeper things the bible talks of, the deeper things of the torah, the gammatria, the greek words etc. I feel like an old timer looking at the youth of today in despair and im only 32!

  • Ding

    I remember being confused by all the Bible hopscotching and calculating as my study conductors explained everything to me:

    "Little flock" in Luke = 144,000 in Revelation

    "Time, times, and half a time" = 3 1/2 times = 1260 "days" = 1260 years, so 7 times = 2520 years.

    They knew how to present the WT line, though, and this was before the Reasoning book came along to set it all out for them.

  • doubtfull1799

    Unbelievable isn't it? How lazy the preaching work has become. There is a virtually permanent cart set up outside my office in the city where I work because I am in the heart of the CBD. I don't try and talk to them because all the ones who man the cart know me (I was a speaker at circuit and district level so everyone in the city knows me) But I NEVER see them talking to anyone except fellow brothers who happen to pass by. 99% of the time they just sit there talking among themselves or looking totally bored playing on their phones.

    I compare them to the numerous charity workers all around them that also work in the CBD. Now I'm not a big fan of paid charity collectors and they become really annoying when you work in the city and have them approach you every day, but at least they are actually working unlike the witnesses who are just keeping seats warm. They are actively engaging with the community. And they work really hard. They are on their feet all day approaching people from the early morning till I leave the office, they are still going. Wheras the brothers come and go for their little one or two hour shifts...

  • doubtfull1799

    I was one of those witnesses that HAD to know it all inside out. I studied like a fiend for pleasure even in my school years. I was by no means the golden boy of the KH, i just found the theology and bible history fascinating. 1914 always presented a problem to me though. Even when i believed it i strongly believed that we shouldn't be trying to work out dates from the bible. But if asked by someone (which almost never happened) i was able to explain it, but i knew how ridiculous it sounded as i was saying it.
    So it's frustrating to me now that im out that the next generation of JWs have absolutely no clue of the deeper things the bible talks of, the deeper things of the torah, the gammatria, the greek words etc. I feel like an old timer looking at the youth of today in despair and im only 32!

    I so relate to this. Me too!

  • pale.emperor

    Someone sent me this. The scorecard the elders use to judge your cart-worthiness.

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