I haven't read the whole thread yet, but I had to respond to this.
They just want to be able to tick a box that they tried when the CO asks them why so and so is now inactive.- K99
This wasn't so in my case, it works if you pretty much keep your family in the background and are just seat fillers in the cong, if you're an elder or an MS, or even a female pioneer, with multiple students attending meetings, participate multiple times during the meeting, then quit the ministry cold turkey, and stop participating the CO will most likely try to find out why you have stopped recruiting converts and why your potential recruits have stopped attending meetings all of a sudden. He will be very suspicious, it might even wake him up, many COs are apostates.
Newly baptised converts donate a lot of money as they think they are costing WT a lot of money, and when they hear the bullshit accounts at meetings and assemblies, they feel compelled to donate because WT is "telling the truth" the newly baptised converts feel they have "The Truth" and the belong to "The Truth"
The majority of CO's will follow procedure for the cash cow, they rely on donations too, and other gifts. It's not worth drawing attention to yourself and cold turkey just to see if you can wake up a CO, most of them are selfish arseholes, living in great lovely free houses.
K99, if you ever do decide to come visit, I will take you to the CO's house on Sat evening, they don't have any meetings on a Sat night during a visit, but if it's a sociable cong, he might go out with friends he has made.