JW's Thoughts On Legal Marijuana

by Deltron3030 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Deltron3030


  • Deltron3030

    I found the answer. Medical Marijuana, but not recreational.

    "If a medical doctor authorizes and/or prescribes marijuana for a medical problem, a Christian may choose to make use of this form of treatment. - Shepherding The Flock of God 2019"

  • blondie

    BB and Delton3030,

    I am willing to bet that some elite jw or one with elite connections needed MJ for medical reasons, thus the "adjustment."

    "If a medical doctor authorizes and/or prescribes marijuana for a medical problem, a Christian may choose to make use of this form of treatment. - Shepherding The Flock of God 2019"

    (of course, if this became general knowledge in the congregation, the BOE might feel that judicial action might be necessary) Don't ask don't tell principle?

  • truthlover123

    one or two elders could call on you and by way of counsel, discuss use of an addictive drug or smoking cigarettes on one or two occasions?? and the matter is not widely known.?? . ( How did they know?) Possible that a judicial committee is required for a practice of abusing addictive drugs, marijuana, and tobacco. If your doctor authorizes and/or prescribes marijuana its ok if not well known- don't really know what that means!!

    As Blondie and others say - Don't ask, definitely, don't tell

  • Deltron3030


    If I was a JW and I was prescribed marijuana for a serious medical condition I would just keep it to myself, but I don't think that'll be a concern, since I'll never join. I found so much information about the hypocrisy and flawed doctrines that I can't imagine wasting another second studying with them. I would love to share some of the things I've heard with the JW's I know, but from what I've read, they won't listen out of fear that they'll be labeled an apostate. It's really a sad situation. They don't know anything going on in the organization they've dedicated their lives to. That's definitely cult status.

  • blondie


    "I would love to share some of the things I've heard with the JW's I know, but from what I've read, they won't listen out of fear that they'll be labeled an apostate. It's really a sad situation."

    I totally agree. I was that person once. But once you start investigating you have already taken yourself out mentally from the WTS to a great degree. I first ready Barbara Grizzuti Harrison's book, just reading the local library's copy but afraid to check it out (2 jws in the area were librarians). I also found a copy of the 7th posthumous volume of the Studies in the Scriptures and concluded that Russell's followers were wacko. This was the first time I had read the older publications though my jw family had an extensive library of books from the Bible Student era of the WTS.

    I read through everything up till 1961 and learned a great deal as my jw brain educated to the 1950 to 2001 doctrines of the WTS. I noted the changes over time and wondered about the ones from 1962 to 2001. I realized why my mother and aunts, discussed things on the weekend together, finding the flaws, but not willing to go outside the family with their opinions. But I listened and tucked these away and looked up many of those topics in 2001. I realized that the WTS carefully and secretively changed doctrines over time, and most jws never noticed.

    1) GT started in 1914, but was interrupted in 1918 to start up again in the near future.

    2) The superior authorities were secular governments, then Jesus and Jehovah, then back to the secular governments


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