The Gospel of Salvation -- The Good News of Jesus Christ:
Plain and Simple, according to the Holy Scriptures
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In the beginning, God (The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit) created all things, including Adam and Eve.
God created Adam and Eve completely perfect with no sin at all.
God told Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil (or even touch it according to Eve), and that the punishment for this sin would be death (spiritual and physical).
The word "sin" simply means doing something that God has said is wrong. Sin can also be failing to do what God says is right.
God determined that anyone who sins for any reason deserves death and eternal separation from Him because He is infinitely Holy and infinitely Just.
Satan (an angel who hates God and rebelled against Him), deceived Eve, so Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, and then, so did Adam. Adam and Eve did this because they did not believe God should be the One who tells them what is right and what is wrong, and because they wanted to be like God, in fact they wanted to be gods, and they wanted to rule themselves.
So, every human that has been born on the earth (except Jesus Christ), has inherited sinful nature, corruption, and death from Adam and Eve.
All humans have sinned, therefore, all humans die.
God's punishment for sin (any sin at all) is death and eternal separation from God in Hell.
No human can possibly earn salvation.
So, God The Son took the initiative, because He loves humans so much, even fallen, sinful corrupted humans like us, and He came to earth as Jesus Christ (100% Human and 100% God), and He paid the penalty for OUR sins.
Jesus Christ willingly suffered and died a horribly painful death on the Cross FOR OUR SINS.
At that moment in time on the Cross, when Jesus willingly offered Himself as a Sacrifice to His Father, God The Father then imputed each and every one of our sins that we will ever commit into the Human Body of Jesus Christ. The Father then punished Jesus with the punishment that each one of us should have received (separation from God The Father).
Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day.
If you repent of your sins [hate your sins], and believe with all of your mind, heart, soul, and spirit that Jesus Christ is your Lord, your Savior, and the Son of God, and that He died for YOUR sins, and was resurrected for your justification, then will be saved and you will go to Heaven (at death or at the Rapture, whichever comes first) to live with Jesus Christ forever and ever.
You cannot be saved by doing any amount of "good works". You cannot earn salvation. It is a free gift of God, by the grace [undeserved kindness] of the Lord Jesus through your faith in Him.
May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you with the Truth!
John 3:16: For God so loved the world that He gave His Only-Begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.