How many of you enjoy car projects? We do one for the parade most every year. This year was a bust but the project is done and ready for next July. Anyone who can tell what it was/is wins a prize. 48" wheelbase!
Car Projects
by peacefulpete 25 Replies latest jw friends
Please ignore the terribly messy shop. It's kinda gotten out of control.
Show us the projects!
Is it a fiat of some kind, Pete? Looks Italian, anyways!
Have you seen these guys?ExJW car fanatics who take part in fares and parades. I think they're pro mechanics too.
I am not sure what the brand name is on that car, but it is a classic beauty!
road to nowhere
? Guessing. There are some obscure makes, CROSLEY. KING MIDGET. but I will go with:
There was a man in boston,
who bought himself an Austin.
There was room for for his ***
and a gallon of gas,
But his ***** hung out
And he lost one
stan livedeath
Its a pop up toaster!
OK, it wasn't really fair. (though name is on the side) It was a German made 1957 Goggomobil T250. I cut 2 feet out of the middle (made it shorter), removed the roof and changed the rear deck. Its teeeny tiny. Like I said 48" wheelbase and about the same wide. They are very rare in US, this one was immersed in a pond for decades so it wasn't a restoration candidate. The motor/tranny was a lump. I put in a simple CVT go-kart setup. Just for the parade.
Doesn't anyone else want to share projects or maybe dream projects?
road to nowhere
Thanks. Some levity in a sour world. Have you thought of putting a big winder key on the back?x
Diogenesister...That was a incredible barn find. I did a 1931 1/2 Ford tin top narrow bed a couple years ago. Got it to the point of driving it in the parade and sold it to the Volo Museum guys in Illinois.
The year before that I found an old kiddie car ride from Coney Island and made a driving parade car, kid sized, so we had to have my nephew drive it with some friends.
And ROAD TO NOWHERE..I think is was the year before that I did a 1937 American Austin roadster. It was based upon the Austin7 but not a bolt crossed over. Again very rare. Tiny, version of a Ford A .
Year before that I resurrected another obscure one....Can you name it?
Year before that I think I ran another American Austin, but this was a sedan. I think I painted it in the rain outside the day before the parade,lol.