This question was posed by Yeru in another post. I have no interest in getting involved in that post, but this is an interesting question. Supporters of the US feel that there country alone is on the moral high ground, and incapable of such an act.
I beg to differ.
So I put this question to the arm-chair historians out there. When did the US intentionally kill innocent people, and when?
Hamas mentioned Hiroshima, and Nagasaki in August 1945.
I'll add this copy and paste:
The first "fire bomb" raid was on Kobe on February 3 and following relative success the AAF continued the tactic. Much of the armor and the defensive weapons of the bombers were also removed to allowed increased bomb loads, Japanese air defence in terms of night-fighters and anti-aircraft guns was so feeble it was hardly a risk. The first such raid on Tokyo was on the night of February 23-24 when 174 B-29s destroyed around one square mile of the city. Following on that success 334 B-29s raided on the night of March 9-10, dropping around 1,700 tons of bombs around 16 square miles of the city were destroyed and over 100,000 people are estimated to have died in the "fire storm". It was the most destructive conventional raid of the war against Japan. In the following two weeks there were almost 1,600 further sorties against the four cities, destroying 31 square miles in total at a cost of only 22 aircraft. There was a third raid on Tokyo on May 26.
The fire bomb raids were not the only raids on Tokyo, there were more regular raids using conventional high explosives. With the capture of Okinawa the Eighth Air Force was to be transferred there. Monthly tonnage dropped on Japan had increased from 13,800 tons in March to 42,700 tons in July, and was planned to have continued to increase to around 115,000 tons per month.
100,000 people killed! That sounds pretty intentional to me.