Sweet minty christ! I can't believe how much I agree with Hamas on this one.
Yeah, America sucks, But who else would you have? China? Russia? At least we are less likely to bust down your door because of your religion, politics, or porn collection (as long as kiddies aren't involved). And Islam as a government would mean I'd have to wear a turban and couldn't have porn. ARRRGGHH!!
Yep, we failed in Rwanda. I'm upset about that.
But we've got a lot of good! 24 hour drive-thru beer distributors! Hydroponic marijuana! The best damn army in the world! Fire from heaven! Lightning in my distributor cap! High-fructose corn syrup for that amphetamine like rush! SOUTH PARK CARTOONS! More human than human...
Failed in Asia???? HOW??? Japan used to be a close-minded feudal society engaged in the cultic worship of a human being. Now, they are a... technocratic society engaged in the cultic worship of John Wayne... er...
Not to mention Taiwan, the international clearinghouse for manufactured goods!