When elders question you to see if everything's alright, what would you REALLY like to tell them, if you could???
If You Had Freeness of Speech, What Would You Like To Tell The Elders?
by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends
Get bent!
Big Tex
I have freedom of speech. I wasn't afraid to tell them in 1989, and I'm damn sure not afraid in 2003.
In 1989 I told 9 elders, 3 COs and 1 DO that having 2 eyewitnesses to an act of child abuse is wrong. It is wrong today, it is wrong tomorrow, it is eternally WRONG. I cannot in good conscience associate with people who embrace evil. I don't care if God himself says this is the way it is, I will not go along with it.
I am who I am, and let the chips fall where they may.
I exercised my freedom of speech in March when I wrote that letter telling the elders in my dad's congregation that they were a bunch of Pharisees. (That was FUN!) So far I haven't been graced with a visit, but if anyone ever does show up at my door I have a lot more to say.
I don't want to get your bad sides.
First I will thank them profusely. Yeah, that's right: I will thank them.
I am eternally grateful to these men, who are "taking the lead" and "setting an example", for demonstrating to me beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is NO possible way that Jehovah's Witnesses represent God. While Jesus said "By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love among yourselves", this congregation showed me that love and Jehovah's Witnesses are mutually exclusive concepts.
I am eternally grateful to these men for trashing my character to people I once considered friends and to members of my family (my brother and his wife, and my parents) without a single shred of evidence to justify their false accusations. I am thankful that my family members recognize the campaign character assassination that was launched against me and my husband for what it was: an attempt to completely destroy family relationships that have been somewhat successful.
I am eternally grateful for all the derogatory comments that were made behind my back (and that filtered their way to my ears) regarding my decision to return to school, get an education and a good job. Those comments helped me realize that I was wasting my energy and resources on a system that was interested more in what it could suck from me emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and especially financially than it was in encouraging me to develop gifts and talents that could be used in meaningful ways, to help me, my family and even possibly the organization (had we remained JWs).
Love, Scully
Scully, You have MUCH to thank the elders for!
Victorian sky
Scully that was great! Sorry you had such a hard time of it. I would tell elders to: Get a life! Mind their own business, get an education (in some cases high school would have helped!), I wanna know if some of them have ever had an orgasm 'cause in some cases I can't even imagine, they're so stiff and stuffy. I would ask do they really believe some of the Bull Sh#@ they say from the platform? Do they ever feel sad for hurting people? Judging people? and cutting people off from their families? God appointed them to do that? I don't think so. - Victorian Sky
Nothing, it would be a waste of time. Even if they wanted to change things they can't and are just as much trapped by the system.
Blondie (Pearls Before Swine)