Baby talk...

by The Rebel 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Gee reading my earliest posts, I feel I arrived here needing a head transplant. Of course we can't ban our earliest posts, and we can't claim we were misquoted, But then again think about it, many of us come here with Geoffrey Jacksons brains and mind control ruling our thinking.

    So I looked back at my earlier posts, and I imagined the man I "was" who made those posts.To be honest I hardly recognized him, I feel infinitely a better and wiser less pious person now. Maybe because I no longer feel so clever/ right,  nor do I have such a deep religious faith?

    Anyway, the thread was made because I have often read posters past threads in order to get to know the poster better, but it never occurred to me to read my own past threads.

    Its wierd we post from the inner depths of our soul, and some of us talk about our loneliness, our addictions, our fears, our hopes, and we put ourselfs on the line with strangers. I think that takes great courage, and is to be respected, it's a quality I admire.

    How do you guys feel about your past posts? Do you read them? Do you recognize the poster that wrote them? Would you have done things differently now? ect ect...

    The Rebel

  • stuckinarut2

    Great post.

    I have grown tremendously since first visiting and posting here!

    No longer do I feel "stuck in a rut". Rather I feel liberated and educated. Yes, free of FOG and control. Free to learn and enjoy life each day.

  • freemindfade
    Only look back to see how far you have come.
  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds
    I'm proud of my shit posting
  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    According to the witnesses baby talk will cease to exist in the new system, but can you imagine attending a wedding where the groom is 188, and the bride 765 years YOUNG?

    The Rebel.

  • DesirousOfChange

    In JW Land, nothing can be challenged. You STFU and listen and believe. Period.

    Unlike within the JW Borg, here your thoughts (as you post them) can and usually will be challenged and thus you will be forced to consider them with the alternative. You might not like it at first, but you will "grow in your thinking ability".

    It's part of growing up and gaining knowledge that we were never allowed to do as a JW.


  • Darkknight757

    "According to the witnesses baby talk will cease to exist in the new system, but can you imagine attending a wedding where the groom is 188, and the bride 765 years YOUNG?"

    I could never imagine someone living that long in the new system. One screw up after the final test and your out!! ZAP!! God will smite all who even have a single rebellious thought in Zombie Paradise.

    Consider the thoughts of the 188 year old groom for a second. "Man tonight I'm going to bang my old lady!!!" ZAP!! He's dead cause he thought about banging. That's not wholesome in Gods eyes. He should have been thinking about family worship and singing those shitty songs, not banging... Fun times.😕

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Darknight757 " God will smite all who even have a rebellious thought"

    The Rebel " Would this include thoughts of NOT paying alimony, if after 2800 years I decide to find a younger woman?

    The Rebel.

  • Darkknight757
    LOL Rebel unfortunately yes. Considering your gonna get Zapped, you might as well just have a one night stand. Either way the end result is the same.
  • kairos

    I do like to review my earlier posts.

    What I am having a hard time looking at are my own personal talk outlines that I have all in one folder on my computer.

    I haven't looked at any of them. EVER.
    Just like all the convention/assembly/ CO's meeting notes.

    What I do enjoy, is references to my wife's convention notes of Summer '13. Specifically her notes on the 'Human Apostate', 'Mentally Diseased', 'Satan's kitchen helpers' bombshells that may be the biggest talk with awakening potential in JW history.

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