Three Questions re: Results of Our Beliefs

by Frannie Banannie 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Gotta go to work soon.....but I've been mulling this one over and can't come to any logical conclusion(s) on my own, so I'm asking for yall's thoughts on the subject.....

    To begin with, from years ago, I've seen several persons talk about the probability of an illness or a possible catastrophe befalling them....only to seemingly "talk themselves into" being actually ill or the catastrophe actually befalling them.....I've also observed people, who are avid church-goers and bible readers, have "spiritual" experiences which actually validate their beliefs.....and I've read psychological info which proposes in so many words that things can occur in a person's life according to what they believe will occur.....that positive thoughts and actions attract positive outcomes and, likewise, negative thoughts and actions attract negative outcomes.....I have also had the experience from being in the borg and studying so much bible knowledge that it became too real and that what bible writers had written began to take affect in my own life for a while......but I also now see the obvious faults in what was written in the bible.....also, people who believe in Buddha, voodoo or any other faith/practice seem to see the results come true for them as they are taught to believe the results will come......

    So.....I'm wondering.....1. Could it be probable that a person could contrive and believe and act on just about anything and see results according to what they have contrived to be true, acted on and believe? 2. Is our belief system in our brains and fed to our hearts, so that we begin in earnest to love and see results from what we choose to believe? 3. Are our individual realities a result of what we believe them to be?

    Frannie B

  • TheSilence

    Perception is reality. What you percieve the world to be is what reality is for you. We can each make our own realities in this life, we can each choose who we want to be and what we want to believe.

    But then I'm blonde ;)


  • talesin


    Interesting questions, and I would say a qualified yes to all three. However, as with any philosophical dilemma, it would take many cups of tea and hours of lively discussion to really explore this.

    So, I'm gonna wait a day, make myself a cuppa, and read the others' responses to this query whilst I make-believe we're all sitting in my LR.


    I couldn't have said it better. (btw, is that natural or bottle?)


    (smart*ss redhead)

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Jackie, I'm inclined to lean that way in my thinking about these explains why my life is in such a limbo since leaving the "spoof".....since all my beliefs were dismantled slowly and shattered after that, I'm in sort of a limbo where my beliefs are seems I'll have to eventually settle on something/someone to believe order for my life's path to smooth out.....but there's so much faux crap I've discovered in the bible (to me)....and that's primarily what I've been "fed" seems that I need to decide whether the God in the bible and/or His son are real "outside the box" so-to-speak.....I just can't attribute characteristics to God or His son that include being concerned over what a person wears or eats or what day they do or do not do work or the length of their hair.....or that either would have condoned or tolerated enslavement of fellow humans or the subjection of women to men....or the abuse and neglect of children, which was never mentioned by the bible writers, alleged to have been inspired by God......Thanks for your input....

    Frannie B

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Tal, I'm sure I'll find your "take" on the answers an interesting one.....I feel that the answers are tentatively "yes" to all three, with a "BUT"......there are probably limitations in each case.....Thanks for the response...looking fwd to further posts on this...

    Frannie B

  • TheSilence


    Natural all the way, baby ;) However tis naturally a dirty blonde so I do have lighter highlights and even a few red highlights added


    It's a hard and often frightening thing to leave. I choose to believe in a God, I also feel no need to define that God. I know I'm a good person and I believe God is powerful enough to understand the issues I have faced in my life and why I choose to believe the things I do. That's enough for me.

    Do you read much? I'm not big on reading lengthy diatribes on religious viewpoints and definitions. I prefer fiction, myself. One of the best series of books that I've read is the Earth Children Series by Jean M. Auel. I enjoy it for many reasons... but there are parts of the series that I can directly parallel with my experiences in this religion. There are also a few religious undertones in the book, though nothing like christianity, and the inner thoughts and workings of some of the religious leaders. It's very interesting reading (though Auel can be overly descripitive and a bit tedious until you actually get pulled into the story) and sometimes it's good to stop trying to define everything, take a break and just bury yourself in another world for the sheer pleasure of escape ;)

    Good Luck,


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Jackie, I read alla time....but I definitely feel repulsed by anything that smacks of religious overtones or undertones and will skip over it when reading chillers, thrillers and suspense fiction....It seems from what you've told me about the Auel writings (I haven't read 'em yet) that it is implied that people developed and use religion and its paraphernalia (fear, basically) to subjugate others for their own agenda.....that's repulsive....but prolly true from what I've seen and experienced, not just in dubdom.....

    The only way I seem to be somewhat comfortable or at ease with a belief in God and/or His son is by accepting their reality in a personal way, having nothing to do with churches and doctrines and laws or commandments.....but rather as simply personal relationships in my life....and adding to that a growing knowledge of how the earth and all it contains makes a connection with that relationship....and I'm only coming to this conclusion as I write to you....I'm revealing my own thoughts and growing convictions to myself, as well....I can't undo what I've been taught all my life, short of getting a I hafta go with what I know....and they DO appear to impress themselves and their existence on me from time to time, as kind, friendly, caring, giving, understanding and able to get their point across without a lot of words......but it'd probably be better not to go "down that road" here.....

    I really appreciate your response, Jackie....because, I've felt such an upheaval in the last 11 yrs. since I DF'd where my beliefs are concerned, it's affected my life and also how I deal with people and situations.....and I've needed reassurance to know that it's alright to have my own "brand" of beliefs, testing the scriptures out to see which hold true and which are false......and I've found that reassurance in your response to this post and in others' responses and posts here on the forum.....Surely, one might say, I shouldn't need the reassurance by other humans that I'm on the right spiritual path for myself....and I agree, in part....but it's the humanity in me that requires it....


    Frannie B

  • czarofmischief

    I'm going to try having positive thoughts about a 3some.

    I'll let you know the results of my research.


  • LittleToe

    In my own case, I was minding my own business climbing the JW's ladder of power and obsession. I had no desire for a spiritual experience, and when it came it floored me.

    Out of that sprung an immediate, and very personal relationship.

    As for doctrine and church, etc., that's window dressing. It can help make sense of things (or not) and give you a little support from likeminded (or not) individuals, but it can't substitute a personal relationship.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    lol@Czar! I really enjoy your posts, guy!

    Little Toe, I agree, the religious accoutrements and doctrines are just window dressing....that personal relationship IS what it's all about, idnit?!!

    Frannie B

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