Gotta go to work soon.....but I've been mulling this one over and can't come to any logical conclusion(s) on my own, so I'm asking for yall's thoughts on the subject.....
To begin with, from years ago, I've seen several persons talk about the probability of an illness or a possible catastrophe befalling them....only to seemingly "talk themselves into" being actually ill or the catastrophe actually befalling them.....I've also observed people, who are avid church-goers and bible readers, have "spiritual" experiences which actually validate their beliefs.....and I've read psychological info which proposes in so many words that things can occur in a person's life according to what they believe will occur.....that positive thoughts and actions attract positive outcomes and, likewise, negative thoughts and actions attract negative outcomes.....I have also had the experience from being in the borg and studying so much bible knowledge that it became too real and that what bible writers had written began to take affect in my own life for a while......but I also now see the obvious faults in what was written in the bible.....also, people who believe in Buddha, voodoo or any other faith/practice seem to see the results come true for them as they are taught to believe the results will come......
So.....I'm wondering.....1. Could it be probable that a person could contrive and believe and act on just about anything and see results according to what they have contrived to be true, acted on and believe? 2. Is our belief system in our brains and fed to our hearts, so that we begin in earnest to love and see results from what we choose to believe? 3. Are our individual realities a result of what we believe them to be?
Frannie B