I'm glad to be of help when I can ;)
I seem to have misrepresented a favorite series of mine in the telling, though lol. I do recommend it if for no other reason than is an excellent read. If you're an avid reader I can almost promise you will enjoy them.
We all need reassurance from time to time, there's nothing wrong with that... and especially after leaving a controlling organization that ingrains a knee-jerk fear of the rest of the world into it's followers.
Do yourself a favor and allow yourself to not know all the answers. Believe what is right in your heart, be the best person you can, and accept that you can not live up to perfect expectations.
The world is an amazing place full of things that should be relished with child-like abandonment.
:::chuckling::: I feel like I'm being preachy and don't mean to be... but there is so much joy to be had.