Hi All,
I got where you are coming from....I'm talking about our human hang nails that we have. The simple niceties in life that we extend to one another...The Jews....when things were going their way they were alright. Let's be honest the Jews were in Egypt for ages and were taken from there, but like most folks, you can take them out of environment but you can't take the environment out of them. Sometimes folks just don't change. They would tell God, ok I'm going to be good & obey, then turn around & disobey him...Just like us today....we listen to our parents, then disobey them....I know what you're going to say, but our parents didn't kill us (yet, some do). We have to remember they were kind of barbaric back then. Again, I get where you are coming from.
If common sense was so common everyone would have it...I have read the bible & sometimes see myself in some of these stories...Like when Peter said, he would never deny Christ & he did....the moral of this story...never say never. What about the good Samaritan, couldn't we all identify with that story...would you help anyone that doesn't look like you, worship like you, etc. What about the guy whose loan was forgiven, yet he didn't forgive someone that owed him money. David & Saul: Saul was the man, but folks kept making a big deal about David & Saul became jealous, who here has not felt jealousy of someone ?
The man that wouldn't give up his riches & Christ said a man giving up his riches is just as impossible as a camel going thru an eye of a needle...& isn't that the truth, how many would give up their riches ? Some do, but most won't. What about power doesn't power go to our heads at times...look at the celebrities...before they got rich, they were humble, then they get pumped up to larger then life, & they feel they can do whatever... Look at the police, don't they think they are above the law & do what they want. I could go on & on...What you can take out of the bible if you wish, is..MORALS...ah, this one just came to me...what about, do to others as you would have them do to you....meaning, BE NICE, because you'd want someone to be nice to you...That to me is the meat and potatoes of the bible...Don't do to others what you don't want done to you....Most of the bible are just stories...true or false, who knows & who cares...but it's how we treat one another that really counts.
Most of us want to go through life with no problems, but it don't happen that way, many say it's not fair, but life never promised you fair.
I don't get the point of all these stories in the bible & I too wonder, why does God allow suffering, especially when we read, he can heal anything....how long does this have to go on until he jumps in....& the org., is wondering too, why else would they constantly write about it in all their literature. They want to know as well, but they are phrasing it differently so they think they have the answer. They claim Jesus became King in 1914, don't think they are not asking...Hey Jesus, what you been doing since then?
No one can trust religion run by man or interpreted by man...I think at the end of the day...BE GOOD...