7 New Files Just Arrived!

by Atlantis 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atlantis

    neat blue dog:

    I have questions about those example letters to.

    Such as: Are JW's going back to homes where they have been told to not come back by one member of a family, and yet, there is another member in the family that asked them for a visit?

    Are JW's trespassing on property using the excuse that they were just updating their files, when in reality, they were there to preach to a person who is renting a room in someones home and NOT part of the family?

    Not to long ago, a JW was shown in a video slapping a woman in an attempt to see her 14 year old daughter. Did the mother contact the congregation or Watchtower Society to end all contact on her property? What excuse was given by the JW for the visit? Updating records? Is the mother suing the Watchtower?

    All kinds of questions popped up in my head about these.

    And what kind of idiot needs a seminar to preach to inmates? The next thing you know, they will have an entire manual of prison preaching.

    They show more concern for inmates than they do the children in the congregations!


  • FedUpJW

    Well, there's no Watchtower article saying that I can't take these razor blades to the inmates...

    Well how are they going to get those captive studies to shave their beards off so they can be "good" Dubs?

  • Atlantis


    Yep! He has a point there! Those beards have got to go! Unless they look like the GB they are scum-buckets. Don't want our brothers to look like mentally whack-job apostates!


  • smiddy3

    It must be me ,I clicked on the link and other shit is being downloaded ? So i stopped it ( I hope )

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Many thanks Atlantis.

    As regards the "Do Not Call", is that an old file? I did not think 25 Columbia Heights to be a current address for the WT Society.


  • Atlantis


    I don't know of any other complaints. Must be something on your end.



    St George of England:

    I was told they were just using that old address for the "example" form. One person told me they believe those letters are an update to the (Do Not Call) information that was once used.

    To tell you the truth, those 2 letters still baffle me a bit.


  • tiki

    So...the cease and desist thing....do they honor only the requests submitted on their approved form or do they also honor Joe Schmoe's handwritten letter saying stay away that he sends to the local cong?

    And...dumb dumb dumb....in order to get into a prison to visit I thought they ensured visitors were clean of paraphernalia of a questionable sort....or is it that dopey dubs have gotten on a watch list for having contraband on them when they came apreaching?

  • blondie

    tiki, you are right, the prisons I have visited had metal detectors, and for some family members and friends, maybe even more than that, if on a watch list for contraband. Maybe some jws violated that requirement even by accident, putting them on the list.

  • Atlantis


    Very true Blondie! I visited prisons when I was a regular pioneer and there were metal detectors. And bags had to be checked also.

    I read a post on Reddit that described that at International Conventions, there were security JW's checking the bags of other JW's. I was a little baffled at that to. What exactly were they looking for?

    Are they worried about recording equipment? Were they hoping to expose apostates dressed as JW's?

    People are just not shocked anymore concerning things they see and hear about JW's.

    When JW's are being led by bald-headed mental cases, then what do people expect?

    I keep hearing that one day there won't be anymore Kingdom Halls, and everything will be done online. JW's will just send in their donations and watch JW-TV, putting in their time over the internet.

    Almost that way now! Have you seen their website lately? Mostly videos!

    The Watchtower Society is so connected and wrapped up with the world, that the thought of seeing them close down won't be any time soon.

    It would take more than just abuse lawsuits to shut their doors.


  • LongHairGal


    Regarding ex-felons in some kingdom halls to fill the empty seats: I never liked hearing this.

    Jehovahs Witnesses is not a charitable organization. The solution? Everybody thinks they are going to turn their attention to the “responsible” people in the hall who are hit up for every god damn thing. Sorry, but I would run!

    I heard of a horror story of elders asking some naive single brother If he would let one of these ex-felons live in his house. It went badly...and the naive brother had to get this guy out of his house! What a lesson learned by everyone!

    As far as what people say about halls being sold and the religion being online: this would be a very bad thing for many JWs who would have no ‘association’. The religion would in effect be abandoning them!! Also, what about the ‘needy’ types looking for handouts? There would be nobody to go up to and corner with an envelope asking for money.

    There’s a lot of reasons I’m glad I’m no longer there!

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