Season 1 Episode 1 A&E Cults and Extreme Belief (Video)

by TerryWalstrom 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • AverageJoe1

    Here you go folks:

    This WeTransfer link expires on 6th May 2018 so download it before then!

    MKV file size 609Mb.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Watched with my wife. She's of the mindset that while JWs are not the only true religion, they are just like any other religion. She's definitely what I would call a social JW. As we watched, we discussed. Both thought the story was real without any over dramatization of what happened to this lady. The program consistently calling JWs a cult bothered her. I explained some of the things groups labeled cults do and the control they exert which is why people put JWs in that category. After going back and forth, I said I prefer the term high control religion which she agreed with.

    The ending was a bit dramatic for me. But, that's because I knew there was no way in hell that anyone at Warwick much less the GB would agree to met with this lady and a camera crew! As they were driving, my wife said the same thing and that they are doing it for effect. I agreed but pointed out that to someone not a JW, it would seem reasonable that a church leader would want to met with someone who was so distressed and offer reassurance that things have changed. I think that point really sunk in.

    At first, I thought the exchange at the gate was fine. The guard was polite and called for someone. We both thought the first part was fine. It's after 40 minutes where the truck was just sitting there and they gave up that was a problem. The "guard" couldn't have handled that much worse. I get that this guys overseers are cowards and should have come out to address the lady and left him hanging in the wind. But, he should have shown some compassion. That part really disturbed my wife.

    What I thought was interesting about my wife's reaction is while she took offense that the report was implying abuse is wide spread, saying that wasn't her experience as a born in, she then proceeded to give me several examples of her friends that were abused. In one case, by an elder who is STILL an elder. She got kinda quite after that.

    Barbara, if you happen to read this, please know that your hard work and sacrifice are not unnoticed.

  • AudeSapere

    Doubting Bro wrote: [We] knew there was no way in hell that anyone at Warwick much less the GB would agree to met with this lady and a camera crew! ... to someone not a JW, it would seem reasonable that a church leader would want to met with someone who was so distressed and offer reassurance that things have changed.

    I agree. I had the exact thoughts and feelings during this segment.

    Her request was really pretty simple. Started at a local level decades ago. No one would listen or take action.

    They still did not.

    And it was cleanly captured on camera.

    JWs will say that she was overly dramatic in trying to contact the GB directly. But, really, what were her options? And why would most non-JWs both see her as sympathetic and the gate guard and cold and indifferent?

    What's wrong with this picture?

    Hopefully these two simple observations will tap a crack into many active JWs.

    And oh! That running vehicle inside the gate on the hill at the end...? It only reminded me of Scientology tactics captured on Leah Remini's 'Aftermath' series. Which just opens up a whole other can of worms with a mental connection between JW and Scientology.

    Subtle brilliance, from what I saw.

  • AudeSapere


    DoubtingBro also wrote: Barbara, if you happen to read this, please know that your hard work and sacrifice are not unnoticed.

    And not unappreciated.

    Thank you, Barbara for your gracious and relentless efforts

  • TerryWalstrom

    Michael Moore set the standard of the "little" guy against the corporate giant.
    This is the keystone documentary approach when a powerless person succumbs to undue pressure by bureaucrats. The GB before their TV career were at least mystical and mysterious and a certain cachet and rubric of charisma prevailed. However, in this instance, the WORLD HEADQUARTERS and "nobody home" paints a stark and eerie picture of the monster under the bed.

  • johnamos
  • LongHairGal


    I agree with the bad impression you got about that JW truck on the hill behind the gate ..watching and waiting with its lights on.

    It also called to my mind a show I saw about people snooping near Area 51...All of a sudden trucks appear in the distance just watching and waiting for somebody to make a false move! I could not help but see the similarity.

    All in all, it was an excellent show and the Witness religion looks VERY bad.

  • ShirleyW

    I was live Tweeting while watching the interview and gained eight new Twitter followers, even now at 7pm the next day after the show I'm still getting notifications or retweets and new replies from XJWS, if I just got eight new followers just think of the other folks that made more comments than I did about the evil Cult, glad the word is finally get out about them. Btw I reminded folks last night to keep in mind that Leah Remini will also be covering the Dubs and their evil lies.

  • 4thgen

    Thank you, Barbara and Romy. Most likely the gate guard was an elder or at least an MS or he wouldn't be working there. Sad, but not unexpected.

  • ShirleyW

    You had to just know that when she wanted a Governing Body and/or Elder to come down and accept her letter, that wasn't going to happen. I just knew know one was going to come down, that's just the way they are , shady. I'm surprised she thought after being called a liar for her allegations against the Borg she actually thought a GB member was going to come down and talk to her? Come on now . . .

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