Season 1 Episode 1 A&E Cults and Extreme Belief (Video)

by TerryWalstrom 46 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Diogenesister

    Average Joe thank you so much, you are a star! Downloading now!

    truck appears after an uncomfortable wait and parks with engine running on the other side of the fence

    ( I know a minor point) but really??? No one shows themselves yet Engine running for 40 mins ?? Apart from the horrendous unnecessary environmental damage, what in heck did they think this single woman was going to do?? Pull out a sub machine gun and go Rambo on the Governing body??

    On second thoughts....

  • Diogenesister

    Oh God.

    Thank you so much Romy, Barb and Joe, and Average Joe for giving me access to your paid account. That was fantastic and the bravery of those that come forward ,either the victims or the ones that stand up and be counted on their behalf, in whatever capacity, I applaud you all.

  • moreconfusedthanever

    I watched it this morning. My mum came over after I had and the conversation went on to the subject. It made me so cross to hear my mother say that it's all lies and stretched truth. So I asked her if she actually believes that all 1006 cases discussed by the ARC were all lies!

    Then comes the standard answer of the "head in the sand" "lalala I'm not listening" JW. Jehovah is in control and he will fix it. BS.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I watched the program after the fact from the internet. I appreciated it. I also used the opportunity to ping my wife's cognitive dissonance. I told her how there was a program from A&E that does a good job of explaining how Watchtower has a huge pedophile problem and that they mostly covered it up like the Catholic Church did so as to not put their organization in a negative light. I then said, "I know you won't watch it, but I want you to be clear that if they insist you get all your information from 'them' only, then you are not getting the entire truth."

    I was met with absolute silence until she said something about another subject.

  • jws

    Just saw this and at 1pm today (Central time), the Jehovah's Witness one is on! Unfortunately, that's the time I have to pick up my kids from their final exams today, so I'm going to miss half of it.

    Oh wait, it's also available on demand! Cool.

    Spiral, hope you get hooked up. That's a pet peeve of mine. I have SlingTV and I don't see why they don't make their streaming or "on demand" content more plentiful and more available.

    Aside from subscription fees, these channels make money from ads. There are SO many entertainment choices out there. If they've got a show you're interested, you're watching their channel and seeing the ads they put into that content. I assume what you're watching is tracked, so they can charge more to their advertisers. But, when they only put a few shows up and expire them quickly, viewers don't get to see some and don't see your ads. Miss enough shows, maybe you lose interest in the whole series and go watch Netflix instead and don't see any of their ads.

  • JaniceA

    Thanks for the info Terry! I was able to watch the show two nights ago. It was well done. I still wish someone could really show how fully screwed up it is, but that would need a series with Simpsons longevity.

  • Spiral

    @jws, thanks, I did get to see the show the following morning when it posted to A&E's app. I couldn't watch it on regular TV because the only TV is in my mom's bedroom. It cost me a bit but worth it.

    I thought the show was very good. If you haven't been a JW or experienced another high-control, cultish religion, it takes a while to understand what really goes on. The show was presented in such a way that "outsiders" could understand the dysfunction of the bOrg. I hope more coverage is coming!

    I also hope this gave Romy some closure (if that's possible), this took a lot of courage on her part. And Barbara was awesome.

  • jws

    I thought it was great and I really hope this helped Romy.

    The problem I had is that it didn't go deep enough. There's this show about cults and they seemed to focus on one aspect, the abuse scandals. I had problems with the JWs before I even knew about the sex abuse scandals. Sexual abuse was something that never affected me, nor those around me (that I knew of). So while I agree with and sympathize with the subject, I think we all prioritize the things that we saw firsthhand. And there are so many. I supposed it would take several shows to cover them all.

    It did make some good points on the side. Like about disfellowshipping, the fear of armageddon, etc. And it's a black mark on their image. One more thing. And to be lumped into a show of cults. Even if you don't watch this episode, if you see their listed in a show on cults, it brands them as such and people will think about them as one. And thus, take them less seriously when they knock.

  • Dagney

    I finished watching last night.

    The part that is so abhorrent to me, to which I am quite vocal about, is the way the WT treat the victims. They are so over protective of the perps civil rights, they completely ignore the damage and potential damage to victims.

    Of course it is because they are not prepared to handle victims and related issues and they know it.

    With all the attention to cults lately, and interest in real crime, I think this program will be well circulated. The exposure will be wonderful, finally.

  • Spiral

    JWS, I agree with you. So much was not covered. BUT the problem I experience is that when you talk to people who have not lived the total crazy of bOrgland, they just can't absorb it at once (I had this experience just this week). I think it would take a whole series to cover all the bat s*** crazy stuff that the bOrg puts people through. "Normal" people just can't picture it. I am glad they talked about the fear of Armageddon and the effect this has on children, and on the problem of "converting" pedophiles and sex offenders from the prisons. That particular problem I've seen myself, and the brothers were clueless as to the consequences.

    And I think it's very powerful they are grouped in with all the other cults. Just that, in itself, speaks volumes.

    Dagney, in this case I think the WT thinks that THEY are the victims. They could care less about the real victims, and they don't think the actual victims have any "rights" at all. I also hope this program gets lots of circulation.

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