Mid Week Meeting. The book of Job....what does this teach me about Jehovah

by tor1500 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    I could never get passed descriptions of Job being covered in boils. Ugh!

    I'm way too modern for swallowing ancient sad sack stories of needless suffering in the name of proving some point about who is right.

  • Captain Schmideo2
    Captain Schmideo2

    Allegory, pure and simple. A mythological allegory. If it had been written in the 1700's, it would have been signed by the Brothers Grimm.

  • JW_Rogue
    As I mentioned before, I'll be glad when we finish this book...I like Eccl.it's got wise sayings....

    Solomon was pretty smart but even he messed up the last verse...LOL

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    I never raise my hand to comment on that question because my fantasy is to say "That if he's exists, he's a gigantic ASS!"


  • steve2

    No wonder Job is not a popular children's name.

    "Here, meet my boy, Job - he's a real sad sack; always moping around, covered in boils, moaning and groaning - but he goes to meetings. We stopped him doing trolley work because other JWs felt uncomfortable around him, though. Still, we look forward to the new system where he will turn into a very handsome young man - and I will then be able to take him out on trolley work! Something to really look forward to."

  • tor1500

    HI All,

    Well tonight is our meeting....& the end of the book of Job....thank goodness. I want to thank you all for replying & letting me know I'm not crazy or spiritually weak. Well, maybe a little crazy, because you have to be to survive in this world.

    I haven't any comments for Job tonight...so I'll just listen. It's a little easier to comment because....NOW, God is talking...Wonder why he never told Job, it was him, or did it....

    Jonah's story ends tonight...I like this story....may comment, or may just contemplate my navel...I have an inny...


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